Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 30

3 . Willful conduct which endangers the pupil or other pupils , or surrounding persons , including school district employees , or the property of the school
B . The following list identifies unacceptable acts subject to disciplinary action in this school district . Violation of any of these offenses before , during or after school hours while on school property , the school bus , or any other approved vehicle used to transport students ; or at school functions or events held at other locations or off school grounds if the action interferes with or obstructs the mission or operations of the school or the safety of the student , other students and staff or the aiding and abetting of such acts may lead to the implementation of a disciplinary action or consequence listed in part C , including expulsion . 1 . Truancy and unauthorized absence . a . As required by current statutes , regulations of the Department of Education and the School Board of this district , students shall be in attendance each day that school is in session . Students returning to school following an absence will be expected to complete all the missed assignment within a reasonable period of time . b . Truancy , for purposes of this policy , is the absenting of one ’ s self from school or class without approval . The authority to decide whether an absence is excused or unexcused rests with the building principal . c . If a student develops a pattern of tardiness to school or class , disciplinary action will be taken .
2 . Possession , use ( including being under the influence and look alike substances ) and / or transmission of controlled substances including but not limited to any narcotic drug , hallucinogenic drug , inhalant , toxic or mood altering substances , intoxicating beverage , any paraphernalia associated with such controlled substances , or any controlled substance or the unauthorized use of prescription drugs . a . Administrative Discretion : While the Anoka-Hennepin School District forbids the possession , use or distribution of chemicals by students , the superintendent ’ s designee may use discretion in determining whether , under specific circumstances outlined by district administration and the school board , a course of action other than a referral to the school board for expulsion is warranted . If so , other appropriate action may be taken , including consideration of a recommendation for lesser discipline .
3 . Possession , use , and / or transmission of tobacco , nicotine products , Electronic Cigarettes , or look-a-likes in any form .
4 . Possession , use , and / or transmission of a weapon ( s ) or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon ( s ): weapon means a knife ; firearm or an item which looks like a firearm , whether loaded or unloaded , in working or nonworking condition ; destructive explosives , any incendiary device or look alike and / or the threatened intent or intent to cause an explosion ; or any other device or instrument which is utilized in such a manner so as to threaten , intimidate or produce bodily harm or the fear of such . a . A student who commits a weapons infraction will be immediately suspended from school b . Administrative Discretion : While the Anoka-Hennepin School District forbids the possession , use or distribution of weapons by students , the superintendent ’ s designee may use discretion in determining whether , under specific circumstances outlined by district administration and the school board , a course of action other than a referral to the school board for expulsion is warranted . If so , other appropriate action may be taken , including consideration of a recommendation for lesser discipline .
5 . Possession and / or use of any electronic device , including a computer , in a manner , which threatens or intimidates others and / or disrupts the educational process ;
6 . Violations against persons communicated or attempted to be communicated by any means . Such violations include but are not limited to : verbal and / or nonverbal intimidation / threats ; stalking ; obstruction ; assault ; fighting ; extortion ; bullying , racial harassment ; harassment on the basis of disability sexual harassment / violence ; indecent exposure ; hazing ;
7 . Violations against property including tampering with , unauthorized use of , damage to , or destruction of school property or the property of school personnel and / or others ( even though such an act was accidental or a result of poor judgment ); vandalism ; trespassing ; arson ; theft or robbery ; possession of stolen property ;
8 . Violations of school procedures or acts disruptive to the educational process , including disobedience , disruptive and disrespectful behavior , defiance of authority , cheating , insolence , insubordination , failure to identify oneself , use of profanity , improper activation of fire alarms , activation of stink bombs and unauthorized access to school data ; 9 . Violation of school bus or transportation rules ; 10 . Violation of parking or school traffic rules and regulations ; 11 . Possession , distribution , or display of slanderous , libelous , pornographic , racist , or gang related materials or symbolism ;
12 . Student attire and / or personal grooming which creates a danger to health or safety ; creates a disruption to the educational process , or violates common standards of decency as they apply to a community school setting , and / or any apparel , jewelry , accessories , or matter of grooming which by virtue of its color arrangement , trademark , or any other attribute ( as a primary purpose ) denotes membership in an organized gang ; 13 . Criminal activity ; 14 . Violation of other school rules , policies , or procedures .
28 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook