Welcome ! Whether your child is in kindergarten and wondering what ’ s ahead , or if your child is a high school senior who ’ s looking forward to graduation , we want your family to have a great experience .
This handbook , along with your school ’ s handbook , are guides to help you throughout the year . There is a lot of information packed into this handbook . The first section covers the basics about our schools including activities , homework and more . The second section covers key policies for the Anoka-Hennepin School District , which are approved by the School Board . We want you to have this information so you know how we handle matters of conduct and discipline consistently and fairly . Your school may establish additional guidelines , so please review their handbook as well .
Please review the following handbook information with your student . Beginning with the 2021-22 school year , you will be asked to acknowledge that you have reviewed this handbook during the back to school online process .
If you have questions about any content in here , please contact your school and you ’ ll be referred to the appropriate person .