Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 18

Special education services for early childhood
Children from birth though age five who have special needs may be eligible for service through the Anoka-Hennepin Early Childhood Special Education ( ECSE ) programs . Students may meet criteria in any of the 13 disability areas . All school districts in the state have been mandated to offer educational service to preschool age children ( birth to age five ) who demonstrate a significant delay in their development . Children who appear to be having difficulty in the areas of development such as communication , cognition , fine or gross motor , or social-emotional and adaptive skills may be eligible for services . Eligibility is determined through an evaluation process that determines the range of the child ’ s skills . If the child is found eligible , an Individual Education Plan ( IEP ) or Individualized Family Service Plan ( IFSP ) would be developed with family input .
Services birth through age two :
Children below the age of three typically receive services in their home or child care setting from a teacher , speech clinician , occupational or physical therapist . An Individual Family Service Plan ( IFSP ) is developed from the evaluation results and input from the child ’ s family . Frequency and the amount of service vary based on the child ’ s needs and the family schedule .
Services age three through age five :
For children over the age of three , a special educational classroom setting or community preschool program is frequently recommended .
Contact information Help Me Grow ( Birth to Age Five Referral ) – 1-866-693-4769 Anoka-Hennepin ECSE Office – 763-433-4800 Special Education Advisory Committee ( SEAC ) - 763-506-1362 .
Special education services for kindergarten through 21
Special education services are provided for students from birth to age 21 who have been evaluated and determined as meeting one of the 13 disability categories identified by federal law .
• Developmental delays ( birth to age seven ).
• Autism spectrum disorders .
• Blind / visually impaired .
• Deaf-blind .
• Deaf and hard of hearing .
• Developmental cognitive disabilities mild-moderate .
• Developmental cognitive disabilities moderate-severe .
• Emotional or behavioral disorders .
• Other health disabilities .
• Physically impaired .
• Specific learning disabilities .
• Speech or language impairments .
• Traumatic brain injury .
The district offers a full continuum of services for students identified as meeting special education criteria . An Individual Education Plan ( IEP ) meeting is held following a special education evaluation . District staff work with the student ’ s parents / guardians to determine what goals and objectives are appropriate to meet the child ’ s needs . The team determines what specialized instruction is required and what related services might be appropriate . Students who are identified as having special education needs will receive instruction from a special education teacher . Some students may require additional support in the area of motor , speech / language , vision or hearing needs .
While the goal is to have students taught in their neighborhood school , it is not always appropriate based on a student ’ s individual needs . Students with specific needs may be placed in a program that best addresses her / his needs . Academic , functional , and behavioral needs addressed in these programs can vary , and can operate in conjunction with general education , with increased mainstreaming as the goal . Some students demonstrate needs that surpass what can be offered at a traditional school / site , and may be serviced at River Trail Learning Center , which is a special education site .
If parents have a concern that their child is experiencing learning difficulties or behavior issues at school , they should contact their child ’ s teacher or principal to discuss concerns . Typically the building would bring the case to their Intervention Team to discuss the appropriateness of interventions and consideration of an evaluation . Students served in private schools may also be eligible for special education services . If you have a concern , please notify the principal at your school .
What about parent support ?
Parent support groups and parent training groups are offered to families in the Anoka-Hennepin School District . Participation is voluntary . These groups offer parents and families the opportunity to meet other families with special needs children and discuss issues that are important or unique to their child ’ s development .
Section 504
Some students who have a disability may not qualify as being in need of special education services . These students may qualify for support under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , which prohibits discrimination based upon disability . Section 504 is an anti-discrimination , civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met . If a student has a mental or physical impairment that may be impacting him in the school setting , parents should contact their child ’ s teacher or principal regarding their concerns .
School-age care
Visit ahschools . us / adventuresplus to view the Adventures Plus parent handbook , registration information and additional resources for families .
16 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook