Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 16

Pesticide use notification
Schools that apply pesticides must maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and make the schedule available to parents and guardians for review or copying at each school office . The state law also requires that families be told that the long-term health effect on children from application of pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood .
If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the school ’ s estimated schedule or for other indoor air quality questions , please contact Elizabeth Pipp , air quality coordinator , at 763-506-1214 .
Asbestos notification
The Anoka-Hennepin School District is continuing its efforts to monitor asbestos in district buildings and respond in a cautious and proactive manner .
The district will continue with the on-going Operations and Maintenance ( O & M ) program including the semi-annual periodic surveillance of all asbestos-containing materials as to insure that the material remains in good condition and that appropriate precautions are followed whenever the material is disturbed .
Within the last year , the district has completed the periodic surveillance of all asbestos-containing materials in district buildings . In addition , the district has completed asbestos removal / repair activities in the following buildings :
• Adams
• AMSA – Fred Moore Campus *
• AMSA – Washington Campus *
• Anoka High
• Blaine High
• Coon Rapids High *
• Coon Rapids Middle
• Crooked Lake *
• Franklin *
• Hamilton *
• Jackson
• Madison *
• McKinley
• Monroe *
• Northdale Middle
• River Trail Learning Cntr at LO Jacob
• Roosevelt Middle
• University Avenue
* Asbestos abatement is planned over the summer break due to building renovations .
Please rest assured that the district ’ s ongoing efforts related to the management and control of asbestos-containing materials are geared singularly toward providing a safe and healthy environment for students , employees and occupants .
The asbestos management plans and updated materials are available for review at the individual school buildings and also in the Buildings and Grounds Office at the Educational Service Center .
Questions about the management plan or asbestos removal should be directed to Chris Nielsen , Supervisor of Health and Safety , the designated asbestos program manager , at ( 763 ) 506-1220 or chris . nielsen @ ahschools . us .
Lead in the water management plan
The 2017 Minnesota Legislature passed “ Lead in School Drinking Water ” legislation that requires Anoka-Hennepin and districts across the state to test for lead in water used for drinking and food preparation every five years . Anoka-Hennepin conducted testing for lead in the water in March 2018 . A total of 1981 locations were sampled and 79 fixtures were identified as above the recommended amount as recommended by federal guidelines . These fixtures were either replaced or removed from service . Contact buildings and grounds for details of the plan .
Radon in Schools Testing Plan
According to Minnesota Statute 123B . 571 , school districts must conduct radon testing according to the states “ Radon Testing Plan .” There are specific requirements the district must follow , including testing every building at least once every five years , reporting results to MDH , and reporting results at a school board meeting . Contact Buildings and Grounds for radon results .
Bicycles and bicycle rack
Students with the permission of their parents may ride bicycles to and from school . Parents are strongly encouraged to have their children wear a helmet . Schools provide a bicycle rack for students to store their bicycles during the day . Using the bike rack is a privilege that can be taken away . Students must not tamper with someone else ’ s bike , bike lock or misuse the bike rack . Students should be respectful of everyone who uses the bike rack , and only park their bikes with the front tire through the rack . It is the responsibility of students to lock their bikes to the rack . Please , only one bike per lock , and do not lock bikes together . For safety reasons , it is important that students move away from the bike rack immediately after locking their bikes in the morning or unlocking them in the afternoon . All bike riders should walk their bicycles when on school grounds . Bike riders are expected to cross streets at the corners just as other students do and to follow the school safety patrol . To avoid hitting other students crossing at the same time , bike riders should walk their bikes across intersections . When riding on the street , “ ride on the right .”
Scooters , skateboards , in-line skates , and roller tennis shoes
Students may not use in-line skates , roller skates , skateboards or scooters on school property . Students who use any of these to travel to school must not use them once they reach school property . Parents are strongly encouraged to have their children wear a helmet when riding or wearing these items . Students who wear roller shoes ( tennis shoes with wheels ) cannot use the wheels during the school day or on school property because of the safety hazard they pose to the wearer and to other students . The school is not responsible for lost , stolen or damaged items that are worn or ridden to school . Items that pose a nuisance to the school environment may be confiscated and returned at a later time .
Nuisance and hazardous items ( toys , electronic devices , etc .)
For health and safety , and to maintain an appropriate environment for learning , the possession or use of items judged by school staff to be hazardous or a nuisance are not allowed on school property and at school-sponsored events . Examples of such items vary by school , but may include , and are not limited to : electronic devices , toys , trading cards , or other items deemed disruptive by school staff .
14 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook