B. Parent conference stressing preventative measures.
(If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate, the
parents will be asked to provide for the completion of
the assessment, and the parents will be asked to provide
a detailed written summary of the assessment by the
evaluation agency, but may decline.)
Grades 9-12 (offenses cumulative during high school years and
cumulative over one calendar year as a student moves from
eighth to ninth grade. Thus if an offense in eighth grade was
followed by another offense with in a calendar year, that would
count as a second offense and lead to a referral to the Board for
The following consequences apply regardless of whether the
offense took place in school, on district property, in a district
vehicle, at a school or district activity, or at a school bus stop. These
consequences may also apply for offenses which take place at
other locations, but directly affect school programs or activities.
An administrator, with the approval of an associate superintendent,
may use their discretion to apply more appropriate consequences
when needed to provide for the health and safety of all students.
First offense:
A. Five to ten-day suspension
B. Parent conference stressing preventative measures. (If it is
determined that an assessment is appropriate, the parents
will be asked to provide for the completion of the assess-
ment, and the parents will be asked to provide a detailed
written summary of the assessment by the evaluation
agency, but may decline.) Parents and student will be in-
formed that a second offense during a student’s high school
career will result in a referral to the School Board for an
expulsion of up to one calendar year.
Second/subsequent offenses:
A. Ten-day suspension and referral to the School Board for
an expulsion of up to one calendar year.
B. Parent conference stressing preventative measures.
(If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate, the
parents will be asked to provide for the completion of the
assessment, and the parents will be asked to provide a
detailed written summary of the assessment by the
evaluation agency, but may decline.)
II. Distribution and/or intending to distribute chemicals/
controlled substances
K-5: Any student who, on school property or at a school-
sponsored activity: sells*, buys, or provides alcohol, narcotics,
inhalants, or any mood-altering substance (including look alike
substances); or who possesses with the intent to sell or provide
alcohol, narcotics, inhalants or any mood-altering substance
(including look alike substances); will be:
A. Suspended from school for up to 10 school days.
B. Referral to building pre-assessment team (may include
but is not limited to: building principal, building nurse,
teacher/case manager, school social worker, and student
learning advocate.)
C. Parent conference stressing preventative measures.
(If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate,
the parents will be asked to provide for the completion of
the assessment, and the parents will be asked to provide
a detailed written summary of the assessment by the
evaluation agency, but may decline.)
D. Reviewed for possible expulsion from the Anoka-
Hennepin School District for up to one school year.
*This includes exchange for goods, services, or monetary gain.
Grades 6-12: Any student who, on school property or at a
school-sponsored activity: sells*, buys, or provides alcohol,
narcotics, inhalants, or any mood-altering substance (including
look alike substances); or who possesses with the intent to sell
or provide alcohol, narcotics, inhalants or any mood-altering
substance (including look alike substances); will be:
A. Suspended for 10 days and be referred to the School Board
for an expulsion of up to one calendar year.
B. Parent conference stressing preventative measures.
(If it is determined that an assessment is appropriate,
the parents will be asked to provide for the completion
of the assessment, and the parents will be asked to provide
a detailed written summary of the assessment by the
evaluation agency, but may decline.)
C. All activity eligibility consequences shall follow the
Minnesota High School League Rules and Regulations
and building policy.
D. Local law enforcement officials will be informed of the violation.
E. All federal and state rules and regulations concerning
special education students will apply to this policy.
F. The school‘s chemical abuse pre-assessment team will
be notified. The chemical abuse pre-assessment team’s
responsibility is to address reports of chemical abuse
problems and making recommendation for appropriate
responses to the individual reported cases.
*This includes exchange for goods, services, or monetary gain.
A note to parents:
Our schools need to be a safe environment for all students. Please
read this policy carefully and discuss it with your children.
The Anoka-Hennepin School District firmly enforces all aspects of
the School Discipline Policy to provide all students with a safe
school experience.
Occasionally, a student violates the Policy on Weapons section by
mistakenly bringing a weapon, such as a pocketknife, to school. The
policy is enforced regardless of whether or not the student intended
to bring the weapon to school.
Please emphasize the following cautions with your child:
• If you want to attend school in the Anoka-Hennepin district, DO
NOT bring anything that could be considered a weapon to school
with you.
• Weapons are not allowed on your person, in your desk or locker,
or in your car in the school parking lot.
The district is also very serious about the policy related to controlled
substances. No controlled substances – drugs, marijuana and
alcohol – are allowed in school or within the school zone, defined
as within 300 feet of school property.
2019-20 School Handbook