Reports, guides, handbooks Middle school registration guide 2018-19 | Page 15

architectural software program to create an environmentally friendly home using shipping containers. Instructional Focus: This course empha- sizes high levels of academic rigor and computer literacy. Homework is an integral part of this course and students must be independently motivated to complete it in a timely manner. This class combines key pre-engineering content areas through a nationally recognized program called Project Lead the Way: Gateway. The program, whose goal is to develop more American engineers, includes modules in Automation and Robotics, Introduction to Computer Sci- ence, and Green Architecture. Authentic, real-world problem solving-skills are em- phasized throughout the class. This is an academically challenging pre-engineering course and is best suited for a motivated, collaborative learner. Astronomy [JMS only] [elective, every other day] Intended Audience: Grade 8 Major Outcomes: • Learn about the properties of stars and the constellations they belong to. • Explore our Solar System with an em- phasis on the terrestrial planets and the larger moons of the Solar System. • Develop an appreciation of the history of the American space program and the impact that NASA has made. • Explore current events in space. Projects/Activities: Construct a star wheel, utilize the Jackson Middle School Observatory [JMO], analyze light using a spectroscope, engineering projects to explore space travel concepts, investigating geologic features of our terrestrial planets and moons of the solar system. Instructional Focus: Students will work individually and collaboratively on assignments. Students will utilize math, science, and research skills throughout the year. Evening “public viewing” sessions will be available at the JMO throughout the year. Middle School Registration Guide Environmental Science [JMS only] [elective, every other day] Intended Audience: Grade 8 Major Outcomes: • Characterize the biomes found in MN and around the world by the interac- tions of biotic and abiotic factors. • Understand how the Earth works as a system by the interaction of the biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere staying in balance. • Understand the tools used by the environmental scientist to investigate our world. • Learn about global and local environ- mental issues such as global climate change, water pollution, air pollution, and invasive species. Projects/Activities: Field skills will be put into practice in the prairies, wetlands and forests around JMS. Webquests will guide student research on the Earth’s biomes and spheres. Remote sensing tools will allow students to study human impact on ecosystems. Field studies will be done at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Reserve. Classes will design, and carry out a service learn- ing project on an environmental issue of their choice. Instructional Focus: Students will work on problem analysis and research; field skills will be developed with outdoor/hands-on class activities. Social Studies Courses Minnesota Studies 6 [full year] Intended Audience: Grade 6 Major Outcomes: • Students study Minnesota history and its government, placing the state and its people within context of the national story. • Engage in historical inquiry and study events, issues and individuals signifi- cant to Minnesota history. • Analyze the state’s physical features and how the location of resources affected settlement patterns and the growth of cities. • Learn about economics. • Learn about the unique role Minnesota played, and continues to play, in regional, national and global events. • Study current events and analyze their global impact. Instructional Focus: Instruction is presented in a variety of way such as: class discussion, small and large group activities, simulations, and the use of technologies. United States Studies 7 [full year] Intended Audience: Grade 7 Major Outcomes: • Grade seven features history as the lead discipline. • The interdisciplinary “Studies” approach is further enhanced with important government, citizenship, eco