Reports, guides, handbooks Middle school registration guide 2018-19 | Page 11

Middle School Algebra [full year] Prerequisite/Selection Process: District Placement Process Intended Audience: Grade 8, [Accelerated Grade 6 and 7] Major Outcomes: • Solution of equations. • Linear functions. • Properties of exponents. Instructional Focus: Instruction presented in a variety of ways, including use of manipulatives, discovery and small and large group discussions. Honors Intermediate Algebra [full year] Prerequisite/Selection Process: Middle School Algebra Intended Audience: Accelerated Grades 7 and 8 Credit: 1.0 high school credit earned with passing grade* Major Outcomes: • Applications of linear functions. • Quadratic functions. • Properties of exponents. • Polynomial functions. Projects, activities, etc: Varies by teacher. Instructional Focus: Instruction presented in a variety of ways, use of graphing calculator. *Offered as high school credit; grades from this high school course may be reflected on high school transcript. Honors Geometry [full year] Prerequisite/Selection Process: Honors Intermediate Algebra Intended Audience: Grade 8 Credit: 1.0 high school credit earned with passing grade* Major Outcomes: • Logical reasoning and geometric proofs. • Plane and solid geometric figures. • Coordinate geometry. Projects, activities, etc.: Varies by teacher Instructional Focus: Some hands-on activities, more in-depth study of content than Geometry. *Offered as high school credit; grades from this high school course may be reflected on high school transcript. Middle School Registration Guide Honors Advanced Mathematics [full year] Prerequisite/Selection Process: District Placement Process Credit: Credit will vary depending upon the mathematics completed* Intended Audience: Grades 7 and 8; designed for students who are mathematically gifted and perform significantly above grade level Major Outcomes: • Become proficient problem solvers using a variety of strategies. • Apply appropriate mathematical skills to real world situations. • Effectively communicate mathematical learning. Instructional Focus: Individually paced instruction with a variety of instructional strategies. *Offered as high school credit; grades from this high school course may be reflected on high school transcript. Music Courses Band 6 [elective, every other day] Intended Audience: Grade 6 Major Outcomes: • Learn the beginning elements of playing a band instrument. • Produce a characteristic tone and perform in an ensemble. Projects/Activities: Perform in concerts and independent practice. Instructional Focus: Group instruction. Beginning Band 7 [elective, every other day] Intended Audience: Grade 7 students who did not take band in grade 6 Major Outcomes: • Learn the beginning elements of playing a band instrument. • Produce a characteristic tone and perform in an ensemble. Projects/Activities: Perform in concerts and independent practice. Instructional Focus: Group instruction. Instructional Sequence: Upon completion of course, students would enroll in grade 8 band. Band 7 [elective, every other day] Prerequisite/Selection Process: Band 6 or teacher permission Intended Audience: Grade 7 Major Outcomes: • Increase understanding of tone quality, intonation/pitch, rhythm/meter, technique and interpretation. • Expand instrumental skills playing music from many historical periods and styles. • Learn improvisation skills. Projects/Activities: Perform in concerts, and independent practice. Instructional Focus: Group instruction. Beginning Band 8 [elective, every day] Intended Audience: Grade 8 students who did not take band in grade 6 or grade 7 Major Outcomes: • Learn the beginning elements of playing a band instrument. • Produce a characteristic tone and perform in an ensemble. Projects/Activities: Perform in concerts and independent practice. Instructional Focus: Group instruction. Instructional Sequence: Upon completion of this course, students would enroll in grade 9 band. Band 8 [elective, every day] Prerequisite/Selection Process: Band 7 or teacher permission Intended Audience: Grade 8 Major Outcomes: • Advanced levels of skill development and musicianship. • Focus on the finer nuances of musical performance. Projects/Activities: Perform in concerts and independent practice. Instructional Focus: Group instruction. 9