Reports, guides, handbooks Middle school registration guide 2018-19 | Page 3
A Message from
Dear Anoka-Hennepin Students,
Middle school is an exciting time. It’s
an opportunity to explore your interests
as you plan for high school. Our goal
is that every student will experience
success in the career or educational
path they choose.
This registration guide is helpful in
outlining the broad range of required
and elective courses available to you. As you review it, I encourage
you to select new or challenging courses as your electives.
There may be something that really didn’t pique your interest
at first glance, but after giving it a try you find it enjoyable. Taking
a variety of courses will also help you explore career paths; there
could never be a better time in your life to be doing this.
Talk your course choices over with your family and ask your
teachers for advice. You can also speak with your school
counselor. Your middle school has dedicated staff who are
happy to help you find the courses that are right for you.
It may seem that adulthood is a long way off, but your school
years will go by quickly and you need to make the most of this
time. Work hard, but also remember to have fun trying the many
opportunities available to you. I wish you great success in your
remaining school years and far beyond.
The largest school district in Minnesota, Anoka-Hennepin
serves approximately 39,000 students and more than
230,796 residents living in 13 municipalities in Anoka and
Hennepin counties. The district was established in 1952.
Educational Service Center
2727 N. Ferry Street, Anoka, MN 55303
David Law
Jeff McGonigal
Associate Superintendent, Middle Schools
Dr. Patrick Duffy
Director, Secondary Schools
Kim Pavlovich
Director of Secondary Curriculum,
Instruction, and Assessment
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Morgan Prestebak
Middle School Representatives
Laura Klein, School Counselor
Anoka Middle School for the Arts
Kim Kesti, School Counselor
Coon Rapids Middle School
Kyra Pasche, School Counselor
Jackson Middle School
Rebecca Augustine, School Counselor
Northdale Middle School
Tamara Soens, School Counselor
Oak View Middle School
Nicki Magaard, School Counselor
Roosevelt Middle School
David Law
Anoka-Hennepin School Board
Tom Heidemann, Chair
Marci Anderson, Vice Chair
Jeff Simon, Clerk
Bill Harvey, Treasurer
Anna Dirkswager, Director
Nicole Hayes, Director
If requested, this document will be provided in an alternate format for individuals
with disabilities or in another language for individuals whose primary language
is not English. A minimum of three days notice is needed. Please call the Family
Welcome Center at 763-433-4680 to request an alternate format or language.
Middle School Registration Guide
Print Shop and Design
Ron Hallstrom
Elaine Guse
Graphic Designer
© 2017-18 Anoka-Hennepin Schools