Assistance for Students
Special Education
A continuum of special education services are available
for students who have a disability as defined by criteria
established by the Department of Education and who
demonstrate the need for special education and related
A special education case manager will team with parents
and regular education teachers in developing an Individual
Education Plan [IEP].
An initial plan will address the student’s progress in the
regular education curriculum. Progress toward academic
standards will be revised annually by a team that includes
parents, regular education teachers, special education
teachers and administrators.
The plan will describe the student’s participation in the
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment [MCA] testing
and other district-wide testing as well as the special
education and related services the student needs.
Section 504 Accommodation
Students who are determined to have “a substantial
limitation in a major life activity” by a multidisciplinary
team may have a 504 Accommodation Plan. The
Accommodation Plan will describe accommodations
which the team, inclusive of parents, has determined to
be necessary to allow the student to access instruction.
Accommodations may include, but are not limited to,
modified assignments, untimed tests, adaptive equip