Reports EU Regulations REMIT Reporting Services & Solution | Page 14

REMIT Reporting Services and Solutions - July 2015 updated March 2016 It should also be noted that ACER have issued a “letter of no action relief” stating that they will not request any such data until at least January 2017. This does not preclude NRAs asking for the data in the interim. 4.5 Exemptions – 600, 10 and 20 As outlined above there are two types of exemption in terms of who and what is covered by REMIT. Firstly, there is an exemption for market participants who only purchase energy for their own consumption, known as “end users”. The REMIT Act (Article 2(4)) states that energy purchased by final customers is not considered to be part of the wholesale market unless it is to a final customer with a consumption capacity of more than 600 GWh per annum. It defines the capacity to be measured as “consumption at individual plants under the control of a single economic entity”. Secondly at the producer end, any single production unit with the capability to produce less than 10Mw of power, or 20Mw of gas is also exempt. Similarly, contracts to such units are also exempt. The REMIT Questions and Answers document differentiates between a site where the production facility has less than 10/20Mw of capacity, and a contract covering such a facility. The answer states that the contract must cover less than 10/20Mw of capacity, and the site must have less than that capacity. If a contract covers several sites, and the sum of the sites’ capacities