Reports ETRM in a Low Commodity Price Environment | Page 7

ETRM in a Low Commodity Price Environment Market Risks Q: Given the current market conditions, please rate the following risks in terms of the level of concern for your company. Though North American respondents felt strongly that Credit Risk was the greatest risk given the current market conditions, Europeans viewed credit with much less concern. This divergence of opinion may be a result of the high number of bankruptcies in the up-stream energy markets in the US, particularly producers who, in some cases, have had affiliated natural gas, oil and NGL trading businesses. On the other hand, credit issues have also been largely responsible for the majority of European trading firm bankruptcies too and it is somewhat surprising that it is ranked so low. Credit Risk Regulatory Risk Price Risk Position Risk Market Liquidity Risk Operational Risk Company Liquidity Risk Europeans cited Market Liquidity Risk as their great concern, a risk ranked near the bottom for North Americans. This high ranking for market liquidity in Europe is likely a result of the continuing deregulation in many of the markets in the region. As cross border trading increases, reliable and predictable price formation will be dependent on an adequate number of traders (and trades) participating. Modelling Risk Legal Risk 1.00 1.50 Greatest Risk Least Risk Greatest Risk Europe North America 2.00 2.50 Least Risk Total Market Data Q: Under the current market conditions, is market data (price, ISO/TSO, etc.) more or less important than in a higher priced market? There were no significant differences between North American and European respondents in terms of views of market data in a low price market environment. While the majority of respondents indicated they believed there was no significant difference in importance when prices were low, those that believed there was such a difference noted that market data grew in importance in a low price market, possibly reflecting lower margins per trade and the need to conduct more trades in order to maintain revenues and profitability. Under such a scenario, these traders could be seeking additional information from new trading locations, and potentially monitoring more trading points for arbitrage opportunities. Same Less Important More Important © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2016, All Rights Reserved. 0% 10% Europe 20% 30% 40% North America Total 50% 60% 7