Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 8

Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets Data management has also become a topic and focus of greater importance in recent years, and many firms in the space have spent considerable time and bud- get redefining their data management strategy and architecture. Analyzing massive data sets, including “big data” requires the ability to visualize it in order to make business decisions…so user interface design and visualization tools have also become significantly more important. Indeed, this is the second most im- portant area of disruption seen by the respondents A ComTechAdvisory Report over the next 12-24 months (Figure 1) as well as the second largest area for investment (Figure 2). In fact, if responses indicating “significant” and “some” im- pacts are summed, it could be argued that this may be the most impactful technology according to the respondents (Figure 1). Being able to deal with vast amounts of data in near real-time is also an area in which Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are seen as hav- Figure 2: Investment Plans over the Next 12-24 Months 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Cloud/SaaS Data Mining Machine Learning ing application. ComTech sees AI and ML as having broad applicability in a number of diverse areas, in- cluding predictive maintenance, optimized produc- tion, automated trading, and even in software testing. In the survey, the respondents found ML/AI and au- tomated trading to be the third and fourth most im- portant area of impact in the near future in the indus- Blockchain Microservices Opensource Virtal Reality try and the third largest area for investment (Figures 1 & 2). Distributed ledger technologies, known more com- monly as blockchain, are perhaps the most talked about technology at the moment. However, despite much hype around the technology, most investment © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2018, All Rights Reserved. 8