Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 3

INTRODUCTION Over the last few years, a host of potentially disruptive technologies have emerged that may yet have tremendous impacts on aspects of commodity trading and commodity supply chain business processes. These technologies join the shift to cloud deployment and software-as- a-service (SaaS) that we have observed taking on greater importance in the delivery of CTRM solutions recently. Technologies such as blockchain, automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), big data and social media, micro-services and open source software have all caught the imagination of software providers and industry players over this period. In particular, there has been a great deal of interest and considerable hype around blockchain and distributed ledger technology, while AI and ML are also seeing deployments in automated trading and elsewhere. In addition to providing an overview of the changes occurring across the technology landscape, this Com- modity Technology Advisory Disruptive Technology Study was devised and executed to establish how the wholesale commodities industry views these technol- ogies, where and how they are being deployed, and to try to ascertain the level of threat these new technol- ogies may pose to existing solutions and applications areas like CTRM software. ComTech conducted the survey component of the study using a web-based tool between December 2017 and early June 2018. Sur- vey responses were encouraged through email, blog and word of mouth efforts including an email from the sponsor – FIS. The disruptive technologies survey had 82 valid participants with just over half of those being located in Europe. All types of respondent were welcome to provide their views including vendor staff and in the end, the partic- ipants were largely and almost equally balanced from vendors or technology providers, Consultants and In- dustry end users. Overall, the survey seems to be somewhat balanced in terms of the types of respondents; however, similar to other recent surveys that we have conducted, it has more Europe-based respondents than is perhaps rep- resentative of the industry in general. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2018, All Rights Reserved.