Brady is the largest European-headquartered provid-
er of trading and risk management solutions for the
energy and commodities industries. With over 30
years’ experience, Brady products are used by over
200 companies globally, including some of the larg-
est trading companies, brokers, financial institutions,
producers, mining corporations and industrial compa-
Brady solutions support a full trade lifecycle includ-
ing pre-trade pricing, trade booking, confirmations,
and contract generation, logistics, nominations and
balancing, lifecycle management, invoicing and set-
tlement, comprehensive valuation and P&L report-
ing, market and credit risk management. The solution
manages physical and derivative trading and can be
deployed as part of an integrated, stand-alone solu-
tion or using selected stand-alone components or ser-
vices to complement existing solution architecture.
Brady’s solutions cover: ferrous, non-ferrous and pre-
cious metals; agricultural/soft commodities; raw ma-
terials and concentrates; oil complex and coal; power
and gas.
Brady’s solutions allow clients to:
• Manage and optimise contracts and contract fulfil-
ment from start to finish, improving efficiency and
reducing operational risk
• Manage, analyse and report on physical, raw ma-
terial and derivative trades, P&L, positions and
risk in an integrated and consistent manner
• Ensure complete visibility of commodity price,
volatility, currency, physical premium and spread
risks using a range of sophisticated analytic tools
such as VaR and stress testing
• Control and improve costs incurred throughout
the supply chain
• Implement effective risk control processes and
minimise operational risk
• Streamline operations through fully integrated ac-
counting processes
Brady’s solutions allow businesses to automate many
of their operational processes, improving efficiency
and reducing cost per transaction, and provides open
and automated interfacing into external applications
to allow seamless integration with other systems.
Reporting and data extraction is based on a rich data
service layer, allowing rapid and flexible construction
of reports and BI dashboards providing management
with real-time information on trading performance,
metrics and risks.
Brady solutions can be delivered from its Cloud envi-
ronment, offering turnkey solution that reduces cost
of ownership, improves business agility and competi-
tive advantage. The solution may be implemented as a
“quick start” with standardised functionality or a more
tailored system configured to meet client-specific re-
quirements. The Brady Cloud delivers the highest lev-
els of availability, security and is managed by Brady’s
technical and product experts.
For more information, visit bradyplc.com