Reports CTRM Vendor Perceptions 2018 | Page 12

CTRM Vendor Perceptions 2018 A ComTechAdvisory Report Electric Power More than a third of the respondents didn’t know who the market leader is for electric power and there was less con- fidence among the respondents, but among those with an opinion, ION OpenLink was thought to be the leader by around 29% of the respondents and Allegro by about 25% (almost identical to 2016 survey results). Other ven- dors mentioned included OATI, FIS, Contigo, Brady, Am- phora, Pioneer, Powel and iRisk. (Figure 14). Natural Gas More than 37% of the respondents did not know if there is a market leader for natural gas. Of those that do perceive there to be a market leader, about 52% named Allegro and a further 37% identified ION OpenLink. In this cate- gory, there is more certainty over the 2016 results with Allegro and ION OpenLink extending their perception of leadership. Other vendors who were named by a small number of respondents include ION, FIS, Contigo, Am- phora and Pioneer (Figure 15). Crude Oil and Refined Products Although around a 30% of respondents couldn’t identify a leader, those that expressed an opinion named ION Open- Link as the leader (46%). This is a significant change over the 2016 survey in which the “Don’t Knows” were the vast majority and no vendor had a significant lead in terms of leadership perceptions. Allegro and ION TriplePoint were both mentioned by more than 10% of the respondents. ION, Amphora, ION Aspect and InaTech also received mentions. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2018, All Rights Reserved. 12