Reports and Studies 2014 Review: 1975 Environment of Kiawah Report | Page 30

Summary & Analysis of the 1975 Kiawah Environmental Report  Reptiles and Amphibians on Kiawah Island REPTILE TURTLES REPTILE Diamond back terrapin SNAKES - non-venomous Banded water Yellow bellied sliders Ribbon Mud turtle Black racer Box turtle Coachwhip Loggerhead Chain king Rough green Yellow rat LIZARDS Common glass lizards Corn Carolina anole Crowned Ground skink Scarlet Broad-headed skink Southeastern five-lined skink Six-lined race runner SNAKES - venomous Copperhead Cottonmouth moccasin Canebrake rattle CROCIDILIANS American alligator FROGS Southern toad Green tree frog Squirrel tree frog Narrow-mouth toad Spadefoot toad Leopard frog SALAMANDER Revised: May 2014_REV 8 Slimy Page 30