Reports 2016 – 2021 CTRM Market Outlook | Page 2
Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech), the leading analyst firm covering commodity trading and risk
management (CTRM) technology markets, has recently completed its biannual in-depth review of the CTRM soft-
ware market space in order to compile an estimate of the size of the global CTRM technology market and prepare
an outlook for growth across the various component submarkets that comprise it.
Readers of this report should be aware that in the develop-
ment of this data, as in past years, we must delineate boundar-
ies for the companies and applications reflected in the scope of
the analysis.
‘CTRM’ is a term that has been widely adopted by many
technology companies. “Traditional” CTRM vendors have been
expanding their reach outside of what has been widely and tradi-
tionally accepted as core CTRM through acquisition of applica-
tions that would commonly be viewed as tools for managing and
optimizing supply chains and as such, without adjusting vendor
reported results to eliminate these non-CTRM capabilities, we
would be overstating the size of the market directly related to
commodity trading and risk management capacities. Therefore,
for this report, ComTech has utilized a fairly rigid view of what
capabilities are encompassed within the bounds of CTRM 1 . The
included capabilities (and associated services - where applica-
ble) for this report are:
/ P
hysical and financial commodity deal capture, contract
management, and origination
/ Position management and valuation
/ Tracking/managing of commodities
/ logistics as they apply to functionality commonly deployed
as a functional component of large scale CTRM solutions
servicing gas, power, crude and bulk product movements
/ Confirmation, settlement and accounting of deals/trans-
/ Trader analytics and trading optimization tools
/ Commodity risk management and analytics including but
not limited to, VaR, EaR, limits management, credit risk
management, and PnL.
Products, functionality, and application modules excluded
1) For definitions of CTRM and related software categories, please see
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