Report | Trans-Atlantic Racial Redress Network. Spanish Case 1 | Page 33

3 . Academia ’ s limited colonial view : Only two universities in the Spanish State in which degrees in History are taught offer History of Africa as a compulsory subject . Nor are there chairs or departments of colonial history or colonial studies . Moreover , colonialism is barely part of school curricula in the compulsory stages of education . These elements must also be included when we analyse absences , oblivion and lack of interest .
4 . Collaboration with associations : For the subsequent project phases , we wish to collaborate with decolonial and anti-racism associations and movements in revising the methodology and broadening the samples and initiatives . We believe that the involvement of those presenting the claims is imperative for the project .
T R A N S - A T L A N T I C R A C I A L R E D R E S S N E T W O R K : S P A N I S H C A S E