Protest movements , entities and associations promoting visibility and advocating for reparations for Spanish colonialism , slave-owning and racism ( hate crimes ). In addition , movements , entities and associations promoting visibility and advocating for reparations for hate crimes and historical injustices in the present day .
In this section we have included , on the one hand , protest movements whose objective was to challenge the colonial and slave legacy in the State . However , we must recognise that the findings have been negligible in this field , even after Black Lives Matter and its iconoclastic boom . However , we have not included demonstrations against racist violence despite the fact that , in recent years , these protests have openly called the immigration system and institutional racism the “ colonial order ”. In fact , the links between both realities through the decolonial perspective is evident . For this reason , in the following project phases , work will be undertaken to include these movements and these links . Moreover , we have also identified the associations spearheaded by Africans or Afro-descendants in the State , regardless of whether their work is related to activism or cultural dissemination . Finally , we have mapped racially motivated hate crimes in the State , especially those that have borne a media impact and have driven protest or awareness-raising movements . Nevertheless , we do believe that this reality , together with anti-racism protests , deserve their own and more detailed analysis and in a second phase .
Element Validation Year
Demonstration against the Statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona ( in the framework of Black Lives Matter )
Level : Barcelona
Historical period : Slavery , colonialism
Historical injustices : Slavery , colonialism
T R A N S - A T L A N T I C R A C I A L R E D R E S S N E T W O R K : S P A N I S H C A S E