Report | Trans-Atlantic Racial Redress Network. Spanish Case 1 | Page 17

Element Validation Year
Renaming of street : Plaza Antonio López López renamed Plaza Idrissa Diallo [ 4 ]
Level : Barcelona
Status : Resolved
Historical period : Slavery
Historical injustices : Slavery
Renaming of street : Ejército de África renamed Modesta Calvo . Cádiz .
Level : Cádiz
Status : Resolved
Historical period : Colonialism
Historical injustice : Colonialism
[ 4 ] Dedicating the square to Idrissa Diallo is a tribute to an immigrant killed in a Detention Centre for Foreigners in 2005 . An anti-racism movement gave impetus to the initiative and was approved following a popular referendum . It is the first measure that links today ’ s racism with historical injustices such as slavery ( Antonio López was a slave trader ).
T R A N S - A T L A N T I C R A C I A L R E D R E S S N E T W O R K : S P A N I S H C A S E