Report to the Community 2017 | Page 35

The cultural market in Victoria is worth $5b annually^. 28% of Victorians have attended an arts festival in the last 12 months^ and 185,000 people attended Melbourne Festival in 2017. Melbourne Festival audiences are affluent, passionate arts supporters and highly engaged with the festival, attending an average of 3.5 shows. 80% of the audience fall into the following three segments: 33 ESSENCE EXPRESSION STIMULATION Sophisticated, well educated, spontaneous. Highly active cultural consumers and creators. Receptive, confident and fun-loving with a wide range of interests. Active, experimental, social, influencers. View cultural consumption as a source of life-fulfilment and change; a means for experiencing life. Value community, family, arts & culture, learning and nature. Live life to the full. Cultural engagement meets a wide range of needs, from creative inspiration to pure entertainment. ^ Audience Atlas Victoria, Arts Victoria, 2014 This segment has a keen sense of adventure, an appreciation of innovation and a desire to stand out from the crowd. Open to a wide range of experiences, from sport to music and culture, they like to be at the cutting edge in everything they do.