Report to the Church 2015 | Page 33

33 dioceses to develop individual sustainability plans, with several now on target to be free from the need for General Convention support by the 2019-2022 triennium. We’re also in the midst of establishing a Province IX Development Fund, which we anticipate will be valued at $2 million by 2021. Thanks to many creative partnerships, we’re on track to exceed our triennial goals in this area. Our work to engage new groups of believers does not stop there. The Episcopal Youth Event held this past summer in Philadelphia, the Kindling conference held in Minneapolis a few weeks later for leaders working with young adults, and the campus-ministry grants we make are among the ways the Missionary Society is working to respond to, and challenge, younger generations of disciples. Then there is our work to support seminary and theological training for indigenous populations, persons in Latin America and the Caribbean, and others who historically may not have had access to the resources necessary for formation in ministry. Nurturing all believers – the new and the old – so that they may, in turn, nurture new believers, is at the heart of being a missionary. How can we partner with you to welcome and sustain the faith of those being called each day into God’s beloved community?