report- Abortion-Global-Clinical-Trials-Review-H1-2017 | Page 2

- Report provides top level data related to the clinical trials by Region, Country (G7 & E7), Trial Status, Trial Phase, Sponsor Type and End point status - The report reviews top companies involved and enlists all trials (Trial title, Phase, and Status) pertaining to the company - The report provides all the unaccomplished trials (Terminated, Suspended and Withdrawn) with reason for unaccomplishment - The Report provides enrollment trends for the past five years - Report provides latest news for the past three months * Note: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease. Reasons to buy - Assists in formulating key business strategies with regards to investment - Helps in identifying prominent locations for conducting clinical trials which saves time and cost - Provides top level analysis of Global Clinical Trials Market which helps in identifying key business opportunities - Supports understanding of trials count and enrollment trends by country in global therapeutics market - Aids in interpreting the success rates of clinical trials by providing a comparative scenario of completed and uncompleted (terminated, suspended or withdrawn) trials - Facilitates clinical trial assessment of the indication on a global, regional and country level *Note: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease. Ask for Discount at – Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 List of Tables 3