RentzWrentz Magazine February 2014 | Page 16

Here are a few ideas for dates


◾$2- Get a bottle of “Two Buck Chuck” from Trader Joes and go somewhere with a perfect view of the sunset.

◾$3- Go to the Dollar Store and surprise each other with a gift- plus one to bring home for your kid.

◾$4- To fill up as much frozen yogurt as possible at our local self-serve yogurt shop. The key is to do only a little yogurt and a ton of lightweight toppings like marshmallows, graham cracker crumbs, and chocolate chips. It’s quite an art to make it just perfect. mmmmmm…. s’mores…..

◾$10- Go out to your favorite restaurant for only appetizers or dessert.

◾FREE- Date night at a book store. Go and read through books together about your common interests. Don’t actually buy the books, just pick a cozy bookstore where you can hang out and enjoy reading there.

◾FREE- Meet during the day at his lunch break to bring his favorite homemade meal to enjoy as a picnic at the closest park or nice scenery spot.

◾FREE – Go on a hike

◾FREE- Give each other massages

◾FREE- Fly our kite at a park

FAMILY DATES- Save money on a babysitter by bringing the kiddos.

◾$27 Take a train from our city to the next city over. (This is more of a family date to take our son who loves trains. And this price is for the three of us.)

◾$5 Little Caesar’s Pizza and take it for a picnic in a park while the kids play at the park.

◾$1 Buy a loaf of bread and go feed the ducks at the lake.

◾$15 For our family of 3 to go bowling during their cheaper hours.

◾FREE- Go to the beach

STAY AT HOME DATES- These can happen after the kids are asleep.

◾heart$1 Redbox Movie Night

◾$4 Make root beer floats

◾$7 S’mores supplies for our back yard fire pit (Or you can always use your fireplace, bbq, microwave or even a candle)

◾FREE- Look through photos. Work together to decide which photos to print for framing, and which photos should be included in a family album.

◾FREE- Look at the stars through our telescopeFREE- YouTube Date Night: Spend hours laughing at all the funniest videos on YouTube.

◾FREE- Pinterest Date Night: Spend time browsing through the humor section and laughing til it hurts.

◾FREE- Pinterest Date Night: Look through food ideas. Choose the perfect meal and make it right then.

◾FREE- Pinterest Date Night: Choose a DIY project and create it together using items you already have in your home.

◾FREE- Play Rock Band on our XBox 360

◾FREE- Game night: play board games together- and maybe invite another couple over to join you.