RentzWrentz Magazine December 2013 | Page 19

Almost a decade after her breast biopsy, Gainesville resident Tarcha Rentz said she can still recall the day she was diagnosed with cancer. As she sat in the recovery room, still groggy from the anesthesia, she listened to her surgeon speak but the words didn’t find their meaning until hours later. “I vaguely remember him telling me I had cancer,” Rentz said. “But it wasn’t until the next day that it truly hit me that I had the big ‘C,’”

Rentz’s journey began in April 2003 at age 31 during a routine gynecologist appointment. “I noticed that she was checking my right breast a little longer than normal.” Said Rentz, who had agreed to see the nurse practitioner since her gynecologist was running behind. “All that kept running through my head was ‘What was going on?”

After her routine check-up came an ultrasound. And after the ultrasound came a mammogram. “At this point, I still wasn’t

God still Works Miracles

Tarcha Rentz Story