A Dedicated Principal,
Rebekah Kim Delivers Her Passion
and Abilities to Midway Elementary
Originally, Rebekah wanted to be a news broadcastebekah Kim, principal of Midway Elementary
School in nearby Des Moines, Washington, has er.But, with her father’s encouragement to pursue her
a full schedule with balancing her job, being a love for children, she took a job teaching with the Tukmother of two and wife. Despite a full sched- wila School District. The diversity of her students, espeule and the many challenges in her job that cially the newcomers and immigrant population, led to
keep her up at night, she has woken up each morning her passion for teaching. At the same time she saw the
for the last 10 years to return to a rewarding job that she inequities in education such as the parents’ educational
loves. Rebekah has a fierce passion for diversity and eq- background, socio-economic status and family hardships.
“The worst thing anyone can say is that a parent
uity in her personal and professional life. The decisions
she makes for her own children and the 640 she serves in doesn’t care about their child’s education when the parents
her school are centered around a core value of equity. An themselves may need the support and access to a positive
example is how her school received a grant for a Break- school experience they may not have had as a child. For exfast in the Classroom program. The grant, based on the ample, this can be heard when parents are a ’no show’ to a
high poverty level of her school’s demographic (89%), is conference or do not attend events,” she states.
When parents don’t
part of a pilot in-class breakcome to events, her staff
fast program implemented
he worst thing anyone can say is
takes time to make home
in 2014. Serving the whole
child beyond just delivering
that a parent doesn’t care about their visits to build a home-toschool connection. Her
academics is a goal for her
child’s education when the parents
staff regularly impressschool community.
themselves may need the support
es Rebekah by the way
Rebekah, 39, went to
and access to a positive school
they donate their extra
the University of Washingtime to tutor, coach and
ton where she received her
experience they may not have had
provide parents with a
Bachelor of Arts in English
as a child..”
positive experience. ParLiterature. She has been a
ents are encouraged to
principal for 10 years and
attend Midway Mustang
was a classroom teacher for
four years. She received her Master of Education in Lead- Mornings and their monthly Family Art Fridays.
Rebekah’s strong leadership qualities help her
ership and Policy Studies, and her principal certification
is through the Danforth Principal Program. She plans to serve 640 children and almost 65 staff members. “Every
pursue more leadership opportunities with more influ- student is dif