Renovations 2021 | Página 74

I accidentally deleted some important files , is there any way to get them back ?
It can be incredibly frustrating to accidentally lose files . However , it might not be the end ! First thing you should do is look in the Recycle Bin or Trash Can on your PC . If your file cannot be located there , don ’ t worry . There are a couple of things you can do . Check your Windows control panel for “ File History ” and inside , you may locate your file and get it back up . If the setting is turned off or no backups are available , you can try one of the many recovery programs ( free or paid ) such as EaseUS and Stellar Data Recovery . Also , if you ’ re nearby , you can bring your machine / drive and we can help get your data back ! - Mike ’ s Computer Shop , www . mikescomputershop . com
Why is water treatment important ?
Whether you are on municipal or rural water , every home can benefit from a water treatment system . Scale build-up , dry skin and hair , rusty , or smelly water can all be solved with the correct application of water treatment equipment , such as a water softener or iron filter . Ultraviolet systems and Reverse Osmosis systems work to reduce harmful bacteria and chemicals , drastically improving the quality of your family ’ s drinking water . Your local water treatment experts at Water Depot provide you with water treatment options for your whole home or cottage property and can provide you with a free in-home water test . - Water Depot , www . waterdepot . com
I am a new homeowner , what do I need to know about home maintenance ?
What are the benefits of automated window treatments ?
Gone are the days of roller shades being the only motorized choice ! Homeowners now have many styles to choose from including drapery to benefit from automated convenience .
SAFETY Automated window treatments can be controlled by a remote or an app , like the PowerView system by Hunter Douglas . This means you ' ll no longer see dangling cords and looped chains , which can be dangerous for children and pets !
SECURITY Using preprogrammed " scenes " through the PowerView app , or a timer , you can open and close window coverings while you are away , maintaining a lived-in look for added security .
ENERGY-EFFICIENCY Schedule your window coverings to open and close in advance . You can close window treatments automatically in the summer during the hours when the sun is the hottest , reducing the strain on your air conditioner . Alternatively , set them to open during peak sun hours in the winter to take advantage of the extra warmth !
LARGE AND AWKWARD WINDOWS Automation is a wonderful tool when you have very large or out-of-reach windows , allowing you to easily open and close your blinds and coverings ! - Night & Day Decor , www . nightanddaydecor . com
Prevention is the key to a happy , healthy and efficient home . Lacking proper home maintenance can lead to costly breakdowns , inefficient appliance operations or in some cases untimely system failures .
1 . Change or clean your furnace filter . This is essential to maintain optimal furnace performance .
2 . Check smoke / Carbon Monoxide alarms . During the test , observe the expiry date and ensure the alarm is still valid . Alarm batteries ( if equipped ) should be changed annually .
3 . Clean your gutters / downspouts to help avoid a leaky basement . - Reliable Homes , www . reliablehms . com