Renovations 2021 | Page 88

Jillian Straky HOUSEWEARS www . housewears . ca
1 . AS WE SPEND SO MUCH TIME HANGING AROUND THE HOUSE , why not try a hanging chair to mix up your outdoor seating ! The Pod hanging chair has a natural relaxed look that will bring an instant chill vibe to any outdoor lounge space . - CB2 , www . cb2 . ca
2 . BRING LIFE TO A FENCE OR PLAIN OUTDOOR WALL with a collage of plants in ceramic wallscape planters , available in two sizes and colors ! - West
Elm , www . westelm . ca
3 . STAY COOL ON YOUR COVERED PORCH WITH A MONTE CARLO MAVERICK MAX FAN ! 70 ” long with three sculptural blades , this fan keeps air circulating quietly while maintaining a sleek sophisticated look . Available in several colors . We love the black ! - Living
Lighting , www . livinglighting . com
4 . WANT A GORGEOUS HEALTHY LOOKING LAWN WITH LOW MAINTENANCE ? Turn to Bella Turf ! Create a gorgeous pavestone walkway with turf and never worry about weeds or trimming , like this Cascade Elite !
- Installation by Pro Turf Landscaping , www . bellaturf . ca
5 . OUTDOOR COOKING IS DIVINE WITH A SMOKER ! Bring your dinners to a whole new level with the Kamado Joe !
- Home Depot , www . homedepot . ca
6 . NEED PRIVACY ? Wish you had walls to create the feel of a room ? Consider the new Sunspace SunLounge , which features a SunWall in a U-shaped configuration with decking . This unique product provides a stylish , flexible and economical option for privacy and creating the feel of a room outdoors !
- Sunspace Sunrooms , www . sunspacesunrooms . com