Renewable Energy & Sustainability Heroes by GineersNow Engineering GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 017, Ren | Page 65
While keeping a to-do list is good to keep you
focused on what needs to be done for the day,
consider making one for the next day as well.
Take a few minutes after work to write down
tasks that need to be finished tomorrow. That
way, as soon as you wake up, you know exactly
what needs to be done.
4) Have an office away from home
once in a while
Not leaving the house for a week or 2 might
drive us nuts; Engineers are still humans who
need social interaction and fresh air, after all.
Go to a local café or restaurant somewhere and
do your work there whenever you feel the need
for something new. A new environment can
help boost productivity and give us a chance to
5) Race against the clock
It’s tempting to procrastinate, especially when
you’re at home. One way to beat procrastination
is by working against the clock. If you’re writing
an article, for example, give yourself 15-30
minutes to write down as much as possible, no
distractions. After that, take a break, look back
at your work, then add and edit as you please.
6) Take advantage of your
schedule’s flexibility
Working from home gives us advantages no
other work environment could. Take advantage
of it! Use your breaks to do laundry or clean
the house. Spend your lunch meeting up with
friends in cafes or do grocery shopping. As long
as you’re getting your work done on time, then
you could do whatever you please.
7) Communicate with your boss
Communication is key in many areas, and even
more so when working from home. Always tell
your boss if you run into setbacks or you think
you’ll miss a deadline. Communication will
provide clarity and make sure that your boss
knows what’s going on.