Renewable Energy & Sustainability Heroes by GineersNow Engineering GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 017, Ren | Page 41
Examples of our work are:
Partnership with Asiacell and the International
Rescue Committee to bring Connect to Learn
to schools in refugee camps in Iraq. The
project harnesses the International Rescue
Committee’s humanitarian experience and
education expertise to support the professional
development of teachers in schools in Domiz
Refugee Camp in Iraq. Ericsson is providing
the Connect To Learn cloud based solution
to enable access to resources and content
via mobile broadband. First deployment of
Connect to Learn in northern Iraq in support of
refugees from Syria.
Partnership with STC and King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) to
implement center of excellence to prepare
students for careers in telecommunications.
The center aims to evaluate, test and transfer
knowledge of emerging technologies to
prepare Saudi new graduates for careers
in telecommunications. KFUPM students
will benefit from Ericsson’s Research &
Development graduate and mentorship
Our ICT Professional Foundation Program was
continued this year to build on the success
of last year whereby we promoted youth
development in the Middle East building
diverse local talent throughout the region
together with universities across 15 countries.
Our partnership with Easypaisa, Pakistan’s
first and largest branchless banking solution,
deployed Ericsson Wallet Platform allowing
consumers to conduct secure mobile banking
transactions with ease bringing mobile money
to unbanked citizens in Pakistan.
Our educational initiative Connect to Learn
serves as a powerful demonstration of the role
information and communication technology
(ICT) can play in education. Public-private
partnerships for Connect to Learn to promote
universal access to quality secondary
education, with an emphasis on schooling for
girls that is currently reaching out to over 6000
students across countries in the region.
During the past years the refugee crisis grew
in urgency, as wars and conflict forced more
people from their homes that at any other
time in history. Since 2010, Ericsson has
been the lead technology partner to Refugees
United (REFUNITE), a non-profit organization
dedicated to help displaced people locate
missing family and loved ones. Currently
87000 refugees in our region are benefitting
from this online family reconnection platform.
Since the launch of Ericsson Response and
our first mission to Afghanistan, hundreds of
employees have supported over 40 humanitarian
relief efforts in 30 countries. Our volunteers
deploy and run emergency telecoms equipment
and provide technical expertise.