Renewable Energy & Sustainability Heroes by GineersNow Engineering GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 017, Ren | Page 37
a multipurpose development. The second that demonstrates how solar power solutions
stage, to be completed in 2018, will include contribute to sustainably energy.
the hotel, innovation center, school and
country club.
“The Sustainable City project is a benchmark
and inspiration for other similar projects in
Faris Saeed, engineer and CEO at Diamond the region.”
Developers, says: “The Sustainable City is As well as the inverters for residential use
based on innovation, energy efficiency and in the Sustainable City, ABB also supplied
a commitment to combat the effects of inverters for a 1.4 megawatt (MW) parking
climate change. With its own commitment to lot solar roof project. This will charge the
innovative technology to make efficient use of electric cars, which are the only powered
renewable energy, ABB was the ideal partner vehicles allowed within the city limits.
to help us realize our vision of building the
first net zero energy city in Dubai.”
ABB has one of the broadest portfolios of
solar inverters in the industry, ranging from
Working closely with the developers to design small single-phase and three-phase string
the solar power system for the villas, ABB inverters up to megawatt-sized central
supplied a string inverter demonstration unit inverters. This extensive range of solar
at the start of the project to prove it could inverters is suitable for the smallest residential
cope with the high outdoor temperatures photovoltaic (PV) systems through to multi-
experienced in Dubai. Models supplied megawatt PV power plants. ABB solutions
under the contract were the PVI 5000, PVI are complemented by monitoring systems
12.5, TRIO 7.5 and TRIO 8.5.
to ensure optimum performance of the PV
installations, backed up by a global service
As well as supplying the inverters, ABB network.
provides training, ensuring the client’s
own engineers can install and maintain the ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering
inverters. ABB is providing replacements technology leader in electrification products,
in advance, delivering new inverters before robotics and motion, industrial automation
collecting any faulty units.
and power grids, serving customers
in utilities, industry and transport &
ABB’s global sales and marketing manager, infrastructure globally. Continuing more than
Alireza Mehrtash, says: “ABB’s innovation a 125-year history of innovation, ABB today
and wide ranging experience in solar power is writing the future of industrial digitalization
projects was clearly a major attraction to and driving the Energy and Fourth Industrial
Diamond Developers when choosing a Revolutions. ABB operates in more than 100
partner for the Sustainable City. We are glad countries with about 132,000 employees.
to be involved with such a pioneering project