Renewable Energy Installer October 2015 | Page 13

3DUWQHURUJDQLVDWLRQ0&6SUHVHQWVLWVUHJXODUFROXPQIRU5(, Opinion Establishment of the new MCS Structure Following key developments over the past 12 months, a new structure for the Microgeneration &HUWL¿FDWLRQ6FKHPHLVEHJLQQLQJWRHYROYH UHSRUWV0&6 M any of these developments stem from Tripartite Agreement VLJQHGRQ2FWREHU E\'(&&WKH0&66HUYLFH&RPSDQ\ 0&66&R /WGDQG*HPVHUY DVWKH0&6 $GPLQLVWUDWRU )ROORZLQJWKLVDJUHHPHQW EHLQJVLJQHG0&6KDVEHHQZRUNLQJ WRZDUGVHVWDEOLVKLQJWKH0&6&KDULWDEOH )RXQGDWLRQ 0&6&) DQGWKHHQGXULQJ VWUXFWXUHRILWVOHJDOHQWLW\ 0&66&R/WG  7KHDLPRIWKH0&6&KDULWDEOH )RXQGDWLRQZLOOEHWRSURYLGHERWK FRQ¿GHQFHDQGWUXVWLQUHQHZDEOHDQGORZ FDUERQWHFKQRORJLHVZKLOVWHQVXULQJIRFXV remains on consumer and environmental SURWHFWLRQ0&6KDVSODFHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQ with the Charity Commission in order to register the charity, and we will ensure installers and manufacturers are kept up to GDWHDVWKLVSURJUHVVHV 0&6UHFHQWO\WRRNLQDSSOLFDWLRQVIURP potential Trustees to sit on the Board of the &KDULWDEOH)RXQGDWLRQDQGWKLVSURFHVV was concluded with the appointment of six 7UXVWHHVQRWHGEHORZ Patricia Chalé Karen McArthur Bruce Farquhar Sandra Walmsley Steven Gould Nick Whitaker For further information on the Trustees please visit http://www. about-us/news-and-events 0&66&R/WGZLOOEHFRPHDZKROO\ RZQHGVXEVLGLDU\RIWKH0&6&)XQGHU ZKLFKD6WDNHKROGHU$GYLVRU\*URXSWKH 0&6&RPPLWWHHVDQGDQ$GPLQLVWUDWRU ZLOOVLW7KH7ULSDUWLWH$JUHHPHQWSDYHGWKH ZD\IRU0&6WRWUDQVLWLRQLQWRLWVHQGXULQJ OHJDOHQWLW\VWUXFWXUHSURYLGLQJUREXVW FHUWL¿FDWLRQDQGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKLQWKH UHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\WHFKQRORJLHVDQGWKHLU LQVWDOODWLRQSUDFWLFHV The process for the appointment of the IRXUQHZ%RDUG'LUHFWRUVIRU0&66&R/WG KDVQRZEHHQLQLWLDWHGDQGWKHFORVLQJGDWH IRUDSSOLFDWLRQVLV6HSWHPEHU$Q DGGLWLRQDOWZR0&66&R/WG'LUHFWRUVKDYH EHHQDSSRLQWHGIURPWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV RIWKH0&6&)0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH 0&66&R/WG'LUHFWRUYDFDQFLHVFDQEH IRXQGRQWKHZHEVLWH For updates regarding the status of the MCS CF and MCSSCo, please check the MCS website. Consultation on a review of the Feed-in Tariffs scheme 2Q$XJXVW'(&&ODXQFKHGD consultation proposing a set of measures to control costs under the Feed-in Tariffs 6FKHPH )L76 7KHFRQVXOWDWLRQSURSRVHV WRDPHQGWKHWDULIIDQGGHJUHVVLRQEDQGVWR DOLJQZLWKFKDQJHVLQUHQHZDEOHWHFKQRORJ\ FRVWV$GGLWLRQDOO\'(&&KDVKLJKOLJKWHG WKDWLIVXFKPHDVXUHVFDQQRWSXWWKH)L76 RQDVXVWDLQDEOHSODWIRUPWKHQWKHUHVKRXOG EHDQHQGWRJHQHUDWLRQWDULIIVIRUQHZ DSSOLFDQWVDVVRRQDVOHJLVODWLYHO\SRVVLEOH WKLVGDWHFRXOGEHDVHDUO\DV-DQXDU\  0&6VWURQJO\HQFRXUDJHVLQGXVWU\ VWDNHKROGHUVWRUHVSRQGWR'(&&¶V FRQVXOWDWLRQZKLFKFORVHVRQ2FWREHU DWSP)XUWKHUPRUHLQOLJKW RIWKHSURSRVHGUHGXFWLRQRI)L76 ZHDQWLFLSDWHDUXVKLQWKHQXPEHURI LQVWDOODWLRQVDQGKLJKYROXPHVRI0&6 FHUWL¿FDWHVEHLQJUHJLVWHUHGRQWKH0&6 GDWDEDVH$QXPEHURIPHDVXUHVKDYH DOUHDG\EHHQHVWDEOLVKHGWRPRQLWRU installation volumes for any type of unusual activity in light of the expected increase in YROXPHV&RPSDQLHVDUHUHPLQGHGWKDW any material change (such as technical FDSDELOLWLHVDQGWKHVL]HRIWKHZRUNIRUFH  WRWKHLUEXVLQHVVHVVKRXOGEHQRWHGWRWKHLU &HUWL¿FDWLRQ%RGLHV So, now we know that the proposed plans for the Feed-in Tariff have exceeded all the forecasts in terms of severity. What will this mean for a fledgling market? The first thing will be a huge rush to get installations in place before January next year. Those of us who experienced the first ‘feeding-frenzy’ resulting from tariff cuts will view this prospect with dread. How can we invest with any confidence to satisfy inflated demand and then manage costs afterwards? I have said before that it is a false market that depends on a subsidy to succeed. If the product or service cannot justify itself to customers then it will decline. There are other compelling issues to consider such as the environmental question, the concept of resilience and security of supply. Those consumers who still default to the economic case for making purchasing decisions can be influenced by the positive experiences of consumers who have already taken the ‘renewables plunge’. Lastly, the fragile issue of confidence is something which affects all markets. Vast fortunes have been made and lost on the financial markets through the immeasurable factor of confidence. The whole renewables market has had its fair share of challenges to confidence which would test even the most committed participant. Confidence is like trust; once compromised, it is difficult to recover. Nonetheless, renewables remain the smart way forward and Plumb Center remains dedicated to supporting our customers to benefit from them. | 13