Renewable Energy Installer March 2015 | Page 33

By guest columnist Bill Wright, head of energy solutions, Electrical Contractors’ Association Smart Solar at the NSC Steve Pester, BRE, gives the lowdown on recent events at BRE’s National Solar Centre S W hat do you think of when you see the word ‘China’? I’m willing to bet that wind turbines aren’t the first thing that comes to mind. But it turns out the Chinese are light years ahead of us when it comes to embracing wind farms, wind turbines and all things relating to this source of renewable energy. Last year China added 20GW of wind power to its supply, taking its total to 96GW. This is more than the entire electricity supply capacity of the UK. We must not rest on our laurels and think we are great at producing wind turbines when figures such as these are produced by China. Don’t get me wrong, the UK has done a sterling job embracing wind power. The increase in wind farm capacity has meant that wind turbines provided up to 14 percent of the UK electricity supply in January 2015. The recent opening of a factory in Hull has shown the UK is committed to further expansion of this renewable source, but the fact that planning restrictions mean we can only develop wind farms offshore may hinder our attempts to catch up with the Chinese. Hopefully, the recent oil price reduction will not hinder the progress of renewable energy systems. The price drop has been politically motivated and is succeeding in stifling research and production of oil from expensive sources. Inevitably the price will rise again in the future, meaning that renewable energy is required more than ever if we are to reduce our total carbon emissions, cut our costs and try to halt the seemingly inevitable effects of climate change. mart Solar Energy was the hot topic at a BRE National Solar Centre event at the Eden Project on 29 January. Over 120 delegates reviewed Smart Solar technologies, such as storage, export limiting, alternative grid connections, power diverters and electric vehicles. NSC associates Ray Noble and Martin Cotterell presented the future for storage in the UK and the work that NSC is doing on guidance documents for electrical storage and the forthcoming IET Code of Practice for solar PV systems. After a brief interlude for a light entertainment video showing spectacular explosions of mistreated Li-ion batteries (a BRE experiment filmed by the BBC – some people have the best jobs!), another NSC associate, James Hoare provided an excellent modelling demonstration of how grid connections with export constraint conditions may still be viable when actual solar performance and building loads are taken into account. In the same vein, Western Power Distribution spoke about the possible ‘alternative connection’ procedures that can enable access to the grid in areas that are near to capacity. An interesting off-grid case study combining PV, batteries and a generator was presented by Cardiff University, whilst representatives from industry discussed the commercial realities for export limiting and storage, and showed some of the technologies available on the market today. The day closed with a lively workshop seeking feedback on a solar yield forecasting tool currently being developed through an Innovate UK collaboration between the BRE National Solar Centre, MET Office and the University of Exeter. As predicted in this column a couple of years ago, the popularity of the event demonstrates the increasing commercial appetite for storage technologies, as well as for export limiting and the possible synergies with electric vehicles. The presentations from the event can be viewed at: | 33