Renewable Energy Installer March 2015 | Page 12

Knowledge: Training Get them to the green Installers can get all the qualifications they want, but resources put into training and business development will be wasted unless customers can be convinced to go green, explains Plumb Center’s head of sustainability, Tim Pollard nstallers have heard plenty of reasons why it makes sense for them to incorporate renewables and energy efficient technologies into their businesses. From training schemes to government incentives, there are lots of reasons to make the switch. The hard part however, is persuading their customers to trade-up ‘old faithful’, the carbon emitting appliance, to one of the new- fangled and often expensive renewable alternatives out there. What’s in it for customers? How can installers get them to go green? I Ease them in For homeowners, changing something as central to the comfort of their house as their heating system can seem pretty daunting. It’s important to remember that most customers aren’t as clued up as their installers, so discussing what’s best for them is vital. A good starting point for clients who are sceptical about making the switch is a hybrid system. On their most basic level hybrid systems will operate using renewable technology, such as an air source heat pump, until the temperature drops below a fixed level, at which point the boiler will kick in – ensuring warmth all year round. This system not only assesses the surrounding temperature, but also the 12 | efficiency of the heating sources at the time – it essentially ensures that the system only ever works as hard as it needs to, and always selects the appliance that will save the most money. Hybrids are a great introduction for customers to renewable and energy efficient technology, with the safety net of their old friend the boiler. You’re the expert The installer is the expert, and they are best placed to educate their customers on what’s right for them. For example, a client that lives in an off grid area doesn’t have access to the current cheapest fuels, oil and gas – a clued in installer would be able to suggest that they switch to a more viable option – a biomass boiler. It’s not just about getting the customer to make the switch to renewables however. An installer that proves their knowledge of the technologies well enough can ensure that they have repeat business – after all, all heating systems need servicing on a regular basis. Money, money, money Many customers could be forgiven for thinking that renewables are a rich man’s game. There are hundreds of photos in magazines and online of the futuristic looking houses of the rich and famous, clad in solar panels and the like. The financial outlay on moving onto renewables can seem Halfway house: With the leap from conventional heating to renewables often a daunting one, offering a hybrid solution could be an easier sell to sceptical customers, says Plumb Center’s Tim Pollard like Hollywood prices, but the rewards that can be reaped can make the move a blockbuster. The domestic RHI has been well documented by now, but the benefits for customers cannot be underestimated. Installers that are MCS accredited can help their clients get the most out of their renewable systems. Plumb and Parts Center run low cost, high-quality courses which are accredited by leading bodies such as BPEC and HETAS, and are available in eight training academies across the UK, run in association with its training partners. The incentives homeowners will receive for producing their own energy under the RHI can help towards the cost of installing the system in the first place – and afterwards make a nice little pay packet. Combine this with more manageable heating bills, and customers are laughing. At the end of the day, the financial impact will have the biggest influence over whether or not a client is keen to go green, and installers can show them that the rewards far outweigh the costs.