“NEA believes the government must recognise that it is possible to ring-fence an element of the current
domestic RHI budget to provide the necessary upfront capital support for low income households”
Maria Wardrobe p7
UK fossil fuels ‘gone in fi ve years’
A report from the Global Sustainability
Institute has warned that Britain’s indigenous
supplies of coal, oil and gas will be exhausted
in just 5.2 years.
Without a large increase in the
proliferation of renewable energy, the
UK’s reliance on imported fossil fuels will
substantially grow, threatening energy
Although this timespan is much shorter
than expected, the news is even bleaker for
France which has less than a year.
With nuclear power requiring over
a decade to come online, question marks
remaining over the viability of fracking, plus
political upheaval in carbon-rich regions such
as Russia and the Middle East, the sector is
urging the government to realign its energy
policy more heavily towards renewables.
Commenting on the study,
RenewableUK’s director of external affairs,
In the pits: North Sea gas and oil plus the UK’s
coal stocks will run out sooner than expected
expediting the need for large scale renewable
energy, warns the Global Sustainability Institute
Jennifer Webber, said: “This report is a timely
reminder of the need to develop our nation’s
signifi cant renewable energy resources to
the maximum well before the UK’s fossil
fuels dwindle away to nothing. That’s why
it’s puzzling that the Conservatives have said
they want to stop fi nancial support for future
onshore wind projects, especially as onshore
wind is the cheapest mainstream form of
renewable energy we have in the toolkit.
“The prospect of running out of fossil
fuels in the UK by the end of the decade
should focus minds on the absolute necessity
of guaranteeing the generation of new low
carbon power.”
Paul McCullagh, chief executive of
UrbanWind, added: “Renewables is without
doubt a readily deployable and key part
of the balanced solution to avoiding the
energy crisis and reducing the UK’s carbon
footprint. It is time for David Cameron to stop
electioneering and start taking pragmatic
action to provide real, tangible and meaningful
support for the renewables sector, including
wind energy.”
Judges confi rmed for Energy Effi ciency & Renewables Awards
REI is delighted to announce the four judges
who will join editor Paul Stephen on the panel
for this year’s Energy Effi ciency & Renewables
Bill Wright (ECA), Dave Sowden
(SEA), Robert Burke (HETAS) and Virginia
Graham (REAL) will run the rule over entries
in the run up to the awards ceremony at
London’s Kensington Roof Gardens on Friday
26 September.
Readers only have until June 30 to
enter the industry’s most prestigious
awards in the categories to the right.
Interest has already been strong and
nomination packs can be requested by
emailing [email protected] or
by visiting the new website http://www.
2014 award categories
The Contribution Award
Commercial Project
Residential New Build Project
Residential Retrofi t Project
Green Innovation
Biomass Installer
High Effi ciency Boiler Installer
Insulation Installer
Controls Installer
Solar PV Installer
Solar Thermal Installer
Air Source Heat Pump Installer
Ground Source Heat Pump Installer
Commercial Installer
Energy Effi ciency & Renewables Installer
For sponsorship opportunities please contact
Jonathan Hibbert on + 44 (0) 1565 626760 or
[email protected]
Renewable Energy Installer takes care to ensure that the information published is accurate and timely. Articles written by contributors for publication
are checked where practicable for accuracy, but are accepted and published in good faith and Renewable Energy Installer cannot be held responsible
for information that subsequently proves not to be accurate.
Advertisers are responsible for the information contained in their adverts, and Renewable Energy Installer does not accept responsibility for inaccurate
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