Knowledge: Heat pumps
Keeping up appearances
With the domestic RHI set to create an upsurge in demand for ASHPs, early
installations needs to be of the highest quality to secure a fragile consumer
confi dence, argues Global Energy Systems commercial consultant Daniel White
ow that the industry fi nally has a
stimulus package and customers
have even more incentive to
invest in air source heat pumps,
we hope to see an age of positive,
reinforcing case studies and a real increase
in confi dence and momentum across the
industry. The RHI has promised so much, for
so long, it now needs to deliver.
Two key factors will help to build this
future. Firstly, well specifi ed and well installed
systems, and secondly fi t for purpose heat
pumps. The work that MCS has done on
tightening up installer standards supports
full performance disclosure, extensive
education of customers, solid experience
and competence for installers and rigorous
specifi cation standards. This emphasis on
ensuring that customers know what they are
buying, understand the benefi ts that are on
offer and the changes they may need to make
to attain them and that the installers are also
fully aware is an important foundation.
Knowledge gap
Informing consumers what an air source heat
pump can and cannot do and debunking the
myths created by some poor, pre-regulation
installations is a key issue. The RHI, if
supported by the government, will bring
renewable heating options into the publics’
consciousness. Overcoming the sceptics is
still a task ahead. Great installations creating
case studies and word of mouth, coupled with
the promotion of the RHI will help deliver this.
Global Energy Systems as an installer
and manufacturer can create a feedback
loop directly from customer experience to
product development. From the early trial
units the needs of end users have been the
key driver. This engagement allows a better
understanding with resellers, subcontractors
and customers as training, support and
education are all based on these lessons.
In addressing many of the challenges that
operating air source heat pumps in the UK’s
The RHI has promised so
much, for so long - it now
needs to deliver
cool damp climate present, Global Energy
Systems are offering a fi t for purpose heat
pump. The data from the factory installed
monitoring system, Eco Link, allows a steady
stream of data to ensure systems are running
effectively, year round.
Upper hand: As both an installer and
manufacturer of ASHPs, Global Energy Systems
benefi ts from its ability to input customer
feedback directly into product development, says
the company’s commercial consultant Daniel
impact of heating decisions, virtual support to
offer cost effective maintenance and metering
for future subsidy offers. It is a key tool and
one that offers real benefi ts. By offering it
for the fi rst three years in the purchase price
Global Energy Systems can ensure that
customers get the best that they possibly can
out of their air source heat pump from day
A rash of bad press now
would be very harmful
By manufacturing in the UK Global
Energy Systems can support installers
closely through having key personnel in the
market and can train on the same site as
manufacturing. Local, fl exible manufacturing
can also accommodate bespoke work in areas
such as colour and ducting. Customers who
are fully analysing carbon footprints are also
keen to hear of a product that begins life in
the UK, thus minimising transport emissions.
There are a growing number of great
air source heat pump installations in the UK,
using different approaches and brands. The
tide of awareness and confi dence is building
to a fl ow. The next big step, with the onset
of the RHI will be critical; a rash of bad press
now would be harmful. It’s time to ensure the
numbers stack up, the radiators are well sized
and that the customers’ recommendations
build us a bright future.
Informed decisions
The Eco Link system brings together several
trends; energy portals, to give consumers
information on which to base informed
decisions about energy use, education on the | 21