Renewable Energy Installer February 2014 | Page 33

Knowledge: Wind Breaking barriers Julian Martin, founder and ceo of ICE Renewables, says 2014 will be a strong year for the wind industry despite an expected cut in the Feed-in Tariff ccording to recent studies by Farmers Weekly and EON, just under half of farmers said that tackling rising energy costs was a key priority for 2014, with 60 percent of farms planning to do so in the coming year. However, farmers reported that managing energy use was complex, Feed-in Tariff structures were complicated and tackling energy use too time consuming. With wind turbines seen as the most profi table renewables investment, I highlighted what the barriers were and how to overcome them at the Farm Business Innovation Show at London Olympia in November. Some barriers to entering the market are real but some are in fact only perceived. High standards: Julian Martin, ceo of ICE Renewables, chairs Renewable UK’s Small and Medium Wind Strategy Group which is tasked with setting standards for wind turbine installations A Problem solving There are obvious site constraints such as proximity to airports and neighbours and ecological barriers. Technical barriers can include wind speed and turbulence, grid and capacity, installation constraints and the need to have a good operations and maintenance strategy. However, the sector is increasingly fi nding that one of the main barriers concerns delays in the planning and appeals process. 65 percent of wind projects are still getting through planning (eventually), but the time delays and diffi culty in accurately predicting the success of a planning submission is putting customers off even entering the process, where planning costs for medium- sized wind projects can be in the region of £25,000. Increasingly, turbine owners also are worried about not upsetting their neighbours. Diffi culty in accurately predicting the success of a planning submission is putting customers off Interestingly, in reality, research show that 7 in 10 people would welcome a wind turbine near to them.Campaigns like Stand up for Wind, know the facts provide simple tools to help remove the myths surrounding wind and provide an excellent education resource. Profi t leader Companies such as ICE Renewables have experienced a strong surge in pre-accredited Feed-in Tariff (FiT) wind turbine projects adding to a strong pipeline for 2014. However, in April 2014 the sector is expecting to see a cut in the FiT, but wind turbines will still remain the most profi table renewable technology and the FiT is still likely to be one of the highest rates across Europe. The industry is continuing to work on reducing total installed project costs, effectively tracking any degression that might be seen in coming months. At ICE we have done this through continued process improvement. We remain committed to offering competitive Power Purchase Agreements via our partners and value for money products and services for new and existing customers. A good operations and maintenance strategy is increasingly a priority for manufacturers, developers and customers as it can extend the lifetime of your turbine, reducing costs and increasing availability. Nightmare stories of customers being left with turbines not working, no proper operations and maintenance contracts, a lack of turbine parts and installers who have walked away are real issues facing the industry. The way ahead The industry trade body, Renewable UK, has set out to improve medium wind standards and the small medium wind strategy group chaired by ICE Renewables has been tasked with developing these standards. There will be a national MCS approved medium wind standard in 2014 and an international IEC medium wind standard later in the year which will cover turbine design, site assessment, installation and operations and maintenance across the whole of the medium wind sector. So overall there is a lot of opportunity for farmers to take advantage of wind energy in 2014, despite the anticipated change to the FiT. Improved processes and standards will also help drive industry improvements, which will only be to the advantage of the customer. | 33