Renewable Energy Installer December/January 2016 | Page 10

3DUWQHURUJDQLVDWLRQ0&6SUHVHQWVLWVUHJXODUFROXPQIRU5(, MCS 012: Product &HUWL¿FDWLRQ Scheme 5HTXLUHPHQWV Pitched Roof ,QVWDOODWLRQ.LWV QHZYHUVLRQRI0&6 3URGXFW&HUWL¿FDWLRQ6FKHPH5HTXLUHPHQWV 3LWFKHG5RRI,QVWDOODWLRQ.LWV,VVXH ZDVSXEOLVKHGRQ1RYHPEHU DQGZLOOEHFRPHPDQGDWRU\IURP0D\ 7KHNH\XSGDWHWRWKHVWDQGDUGUHODWHVWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRQWKHH[WHUQDO VSUHDGRIÀDPHZKHQLQVWDOOLQJLQURRIVRODUSDQHOVDQGZLOOKHOSVRODU0&6 FRQWUDFWRUVGHPRQVWUDWHWKDWWKHLULQVWDOODWLRQFRPSOLHVZLWKEXLOGLQJUHJXODWLRQV $OO0&6FRQWUDFWRUVZKRDUHLQVWDOOLQJLQOLQHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI0,6 6RODU39 DQG0,6 6RODU7KHUPDO VKRXOGUHIHUWR0&6 7KHUHDUHWKUHHURXWHVWRGHPRQVWUDWHFRPSOLDQFHZLWKLQWKH0&6DQG EXLOGLQJUHJXODWLRQV ‡ $VSHFL¿F¿UHWHVWDQGUDWLQJZLWKDVSHFL¿HG39PRGXOH ‡ $WHVWDQGUDWLQJWKDWLVDFKLHYHGLQGHSHQGHQWO\RID39PRGXOHRU ‡ $QLQVWDOODWLRQPHWKRGWKDWDFKLHYHVD¿UHUDWLQJWKDWLVLQGHSHQGHQW RIWKHVRODULQVWDOODWLRQ7KH0&6FRQWUDFWRUFDQXVHDVXEVWUDWHZLWKDQ LQGHSHQGHQW¿UHUDWLQJ IRUH[DPSOHDURR¿QJPHPEUDQHZLWK$$UDWLQJ EHQHDWK DURR¿QJNLWPRGXOHFRPELQDWLRQWKDWGRHVQRWKDYHDGHFODUHG¿UHUDWLQJ3OHDVH QRWHWKDWLWLVLPSRUWDQWWREHDEOHWRYHULI\WKDWWKHV\VWHPDFKLHYHVDVXI¿FLHQW UDWLQJDVDZKROH :RUNLVRQJRLQJWRGH¿QHWKHPRGXOHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVWKDWZRXOGFRQVHUYH WKH¿UHUDWLQJZKHQVXEVWLWXWLQJRQHW\SHRIPRGXOHIRUDQRWKHU6HFWLRQ$RI 0&6SURYLGHVLQWHULPJXLGDQFH 3OHDVHUHDGWKHµ0&6)LUH3HUIRUPDQFHRI3LWFKHG5RRI0RXQWHG6RODU¶ GRFXPHQWIRUPRUHGHWDLOV 'RFXPHQWOLQN A MCS_012-Fire_Performance_of_Pitched_Roof_Mounted_Solar.pdf It seems that the whole industry is collectively holding its breath awaiting the publication of the Comprehensive Spending Review on 25 November. By the time you read this, you may already know. However, all of us involved in renewable heat systems know that if we are to achieve carbon reduction targets then we will have to affect heating in our buildings. The production of space heating and hot water accounts for an average of 80 percent of our home energy use and the overwhelming majority of us now have central heating. Whilst the final targets are set for 2020, 2030 and 2050, we cannot wait until then to start addressing our 27 million homes. We need to convince householders of the merits of lower carbon solutions, and we need to start accelerating that process today, not tomorrow. All the evidence shows that people recognise the benefits of energy efficiency and carbon reductions, we just need to make the process of achieving these goals manageable both practically and economically. The progress to date has been harder and slower than we would all like. We have had some encouragement over the last 18 months, particularly in the world of biomass boilers, but we need wider and quicker progress. Many of us have made substantial investments in getting to where we are now. The logic of the low carbon heating proposition remains unshakeable and as every week goes by, the need for progress becomes more telling.