Renegade Diet PDF / eBook Meal Plan Free Download Renegade Diet Book Program | Page 32

C HAPTER 2 E verything you have been told and thought you knew about nutrition is wrong. Strong words, I know. But I once bought into all the same lies and myths myself, and suffered with the consequences for years. The list of dietary myths is endless but I’d like to address a few in particular that will have the biggest impact on you reaching your goals as rapidly as possible. Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day I’m sorry to tell you this, but mom was wrong. My mom, your mom, everybody’s mom. And your doctor; he was wrong too. After an overnight fast your body is in prime fat burning mode first thing in the morning. That’s for a few different reasons. One of them is because insulin is very low at this time. When insulin is low you burn fat more effectively. When you eat carbs insulin becomes elevated which means that fat burning comes to a screeching halt. Therefore the last thing you want to do in the morning is sit down to a bowl of oatmeal or cereal. T HE R ENEGADE D IET 23