Remington Residents Voice October 2015 | Page 2

When they received the challenge to donate 100 rolling bags for Florida's foster children, the Osceola County Chapter of Women's Councilo of REALTORS, stepped up in full force!

The Guardian Ad Litem program, Voices for Osceola's Children, was the beneficiary of 155 new rolling bags, together with a check for $700. That was not the whole of Florida ~ just one County!

When children are removed from their homes by the Court, it is usally done in a very hurried fashion, for the safety and protection of the child. Most children leave with their clothing packed in black garbage bags.

It is also not unusual for children to be moved to several different foster homes each year and each time they leave, like 'throw-away' kids, they do so clutching a few belongings in their garbage bag.

Having their own rolling luggage, will hopefully bring them a little self esteem, since being ripped away from ones family is hard enough without indignity being thrown into the mix!

The official end date for this initiative, was Agust 14, 2015, however, luggage keeps coming in!

Apparently, Osceola WCR is determined that EVERY child will receive his/her owv luggage!