ReMed 2018 Remed 5 - Histoire de la Médecine | Page 6

Sciences de la Santé Surgery: Under the Operating Light Rihab FELLAH Medicine has known in these last 200 years great leaps and many cutting-edge rev- olutions that the contrast of these advancement with the ways of the past leaves us in awe. Of the many medical fields that have changed drastically during this pe- riod, surgery is in the lead. And so, on surgery the spotlight must fall today! I t is general knowledge that the history and future of surgery faced a turning point in 1846 when ether anes- thesia was introduced 1 . Indeed pain has always been a great obstacle in the face of surgical advancement 1, 2 . Not only does it worsen patient’s comfort, it is also deeply related to the outcome of the intervention. Pathophys- iologically speaking, pain increases heart rate, systemic vascular resistances and circulating catecholamines re- sulting thus in an elevated risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and bleeding among other complications. It may alter neural sensitization in both the peripheral and cen- tral nervous system which could lead to chronic pain syndromes 2, 11 . Surgeons thus were given a tool that could help them in the operating theatre by extending their operating time. It also lessened for the patient the horror of being operated on in giving him the gift of unconsciousness. It was the birth of anesthesia and anesthesiology. 6 Printemps 2018 In 1867, sepsis was also being dealt with. A series of publications in the Lancet by Joseph Lister (after whom Listeria monocytogenes was named by the way) demonstrated the efficiency of using carbolic acid as an antiseptic to prevent post-operative infec- tion 1 . A few decades later, the wear of latex gloves was introduced by Halstead 1 . After these two major discoveries, diseases that have always been an issue and to which medical treatment gave mediocre results have found in surgery the salva- tion of patient’s endeavors. Among those, there is the common case of Gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis or gallstones (stone in the gallbladder) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). It is a disease that predominates in the femi- nine population and increases with age. It concerns a small pouch annexed to the liver called the Gallblad- der which stores bile and excretes it in the Duodenum. This disease manifests often in a typical abdominal