ReMed 2016 ReMed Magazine N°0 - HIV/AIDS | Page 8

Figure-1-: HIV cycle (From Nature Reviews Microbiology [2008]) fragile equilibrium state between the viral replication rate and the adaptive immune system response. later on a ground to cancer clones development, and increasing the risk of cancer occurrence among the AIDS patients, especially, lymphomas (Lymphatic tissue cancers) and sarcomas (connective tissue originating cancers) which are usually very aggressive and impossible to cure. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Ultimately, the virus ends up by destroying the majority of functional immune system cells, which leads to a total meltdown and a body vulnerable to all sorts of endogenous and environmental risks. Finally, the accumulation of all this effects, leads eventually to organs failure and a systemic dysfunction in a domino effect total failure, and so, the inevitable death of the subject. Infections are the first to occur, with the particularity of being more expressive and aggressive, and tend to be caused by some unusual “opportunistic” agents considered naturally non-pathogenic, such as pneumocystis, candidiasis and zona. Besides, the absence of immune regulation, permits the accumulation of irregular cells in tissues, which can be HIV/AIDS 7