ride? And companies are struggling too. It’s an
One of the most interesting trends to emerge in
increasingly competitive market place with
2014 was the growing power of our collective
new challenges presented every day. Brands
consumer voice: its influence to affect change,
are mindful that maintaining loyalty (if such a
and the increasing levels of accountability we
thing still exists) is vital.
demand from the brands in our day to day
The result? An increasingly powerful
consumer. If we feel something isn’t right,
Maybe it’s because we’re all just a bit fed up?
we make sure it’s known - and brands are
Or maybe it’s been driven by the freedoms
having to sit up, listen, and take action.
afforded by the digital space in acquiring
Starbucks, Google and Amazon, Tesco and
information and publishing opinions. In a
Sports Direct have all found out the hard way
sense, it’s a perfect storm of contributing
in recent years. But what we’re increasingly
now seeing is that it’s not simply day to day
It has been a tough few years; our tolerance
business operations which are under scrutiny.
levels are low and sense of injustice high…if
Sponsorships and partnerships are under fire
we’re hurting, why should others have an easy
with some brands and right holders having to
answer some very tough questions.
As brands and rights holders seek to maintain
Lego is beloved by all, but earlier this year
reputations, and forge mutually beneficial
everything was most definitely not awesome
relationships to enhance their brand values,
when Greenpeace held them to task about their
this sense of accountability – and answering to
Shell partnership – ultimately ending a
the consumer- isn’t going to go away. Both
relationship that’s been in place since the
brands and rights holders may need to be more
choosy, and some will have to clean up their
Russia’s unacceptable treatment of the LGBT
community led to a backlash against not only
So who wins? Ultimately, everyone.
Sochi sponsors but many overtly ‘Russian’
Transparency, credibility and accountability
brands. To remain in favour they had to
are the best possible building blocks of a great
publicly endorse the LGBT community, or
relationship. And if consumers feel these are
remain silent at their peril. For others, it gave
all there in a partnership, then it’s a win for all.
an invaluable ambush moment.
And now, staying silent simply isn’t an option