Remapped Evaluation Report | Page 27


African Caribbean Community Initiative ( ACCI ) with Kupid Val-Essoné and Kupid ’ s World

Wolverhampton born artist Kupid Val-Essoné and his team at Kupid ’ s World worked with members at ACCI to write and record poems , songs and create a music video style film about Whitmore Reans . The film they created together was shown on the screen at the exhibition . ACCI members were keen to see more opportunities to gather and connect :
A place where people from all different backgrounds can gather regularly for free , with good music , drinks , food and celebrate life ;
• A community led festival where local organisations can share their opportunities and celebrate local talent ;
• An affordable space and a support service / network that could support the community to enable their ideas for community projects and activities to happen ;
• Business support for start-ups , including those with a community or social benefit focus .


Images by Kupid ’ s World