Reloaded Mag Africa Volume 21 | Page 5

like they were sent by whichever demon created them just to mess with my spirit. It is a miracle I didn’t react much because as everyone knows by now – I am the firecracker you will never see fuming, all you will need to do is duck for cover the minute you suspect a thing.

These soldiers are by far the most destructive. These are the lovers that abused and confused you for so long that when you finally got out of there you could barely recognize yourself. They bring up the deepest parts of your ability for blood red pure love and simoustanously – the fiery pits containing your lava of hate. These are the people who could convince you without batting an eyelid that they have changed and that they want to try things again and give you all they promised to give you in the beginning – sometimes even better. They cause the most disruptive train of emotional baggage that your current lover/s is probably never going to understand.

Now with all that being said, the question each surprise encounter with a return soldier will arise in you (obviously the weight of the question will vary, however the basic principal remains) is whether you are caught in the same pattern that made you and them ex’s to begin with. And then the downhill slope of your current love interest is bound to be triggered something as petty as

‘the same taste in humor’. You start establishing patterns in your mind and trying to make sure

your new love interest doesn’t even remotely

fit into any of those little queues… and when they don’t, instead of a huge sigh of relief, your brain starts to accommodate this new interaction into a patterns that it understands – causing all the unnecessary drama that no one goes looking for.

Ahh…curious case indeed. I have no idea why ex’s appear during the same season of any new ‘relationship’ or whether the severity of their reappearance establishes the “you not over ex debate”. However I will say this. It is hard enough having to start something fresh after being hurt a couple of times before, do not go scratching old wounds and trying to look for something that just makes this amazing new puzzle in your life so interesting to you. Return soldiers are like vomit, once it’s out, only a pig would re-digest it. Dating is messy enough, messing around with unsolved battle murders won’t get you anywhere and trust me, you have the most to lose if you are willing to shut down every time you see your ex’s.

Let’s go on dates (feed me, I love food), lets laugh and enjoy each other. Let us not start involving our failed conquests into developing ones and trust me when I tell you this, the longer you hold on to your anger over a disgusting ex, the longer they get to dictate who you will be with and for how long. I always say “men love the crazies” but trust me – there is only so much madness one human can take, so tread lightly.



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I always say “men love the crazies” but trust me – there is only so much madness one human can take, so tread lightly.