Releasing the Genius Releasing the Genius Magazine - Issue 2 | Page 5

" Scientific evidence has also shown that happier and more positive people also have a strong tendency to engage in healthier lifestyle habits, such as focusing on eating a healthier diet and getting regular exercise. " that happier and more positive people also have 1 a strong tendency to engage in healthier lifestyle habits, such as focusing on eating a healthier diet and getting regular exercise. They tend to have healthier personal and professional lives, lower recorded blood pressure readings, and reduced pain episodes, and as an end result, these people also tend to live longer lives. As we can see, getting to a state of happiness is not something that is achieved without some thought and effort, so here are some suggestions: Take some time away, even for just a few minutes, to define and design a happy life. Far too many people are too busy being busy; majoring in minor things and forgetting that you can’t hit a target you can’t see. ALVIN BROWN Alvin Brown is the CEO and founder of The Centre for Healing and Peak Performance (TCHPP), a multidisciplinary wellness and peak performance centre located in Pickering, Ontario, Canada. He is also the founder and CEO of the sought after Integrated Peak Performance Consulting (IPPC) certification program, a mind and body peak performance training system, getting elite performers to move from good to peak performance. Alvin is also a passionate international speaker and author of Journey to Personal Greatness, Mind, Body & Soul: A Blueprint for Life Balance & Self-Mastery. Sharifzadeh, M. And Almaraz, J. (2014), “Happiness and Productivity in the Workplace,” American Journal of Management, 14(4). Make being happy nonnegotiable. Determine that no matter what happens, you will insist on remaining in your state of happiness and positivity. In times of stress, worry, and distractions, double down on the activities and experiences that strengthen you and bring you back to your happy place. Many of us expect that one day, with fingers crossed, we will end up with the perfect and happy life. We spend more time planning our wedding, careers, and vacations but no time at all to plan our lives. Life is not a passive experience. We can wish and hope for a good outcome, but we put the odds in our favour when we become proactive in designing the life we want. That is how we develop the true power of happiness and positivity. + 5