Releasing the Genius Issue 3 | Page 5

to understand technology or tools that can help facilitate learning in students and not just tell the students a story. Have them perform guided exploration on their own based on feedback from teachers. The current Parliament is trying very hard to make changes, but nothing comes easy. The fastest way to reform education is to reform the way teachers are made to begin with. By changing their training, they can go out and make their own changes in the world, hopefully for the good. Q: CAN YOU JUST EXPLAIN A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH THAT WHOLE PROJECT? A: To me, it’s more than a project. It’s a lifelong mission. I’ve worked for ITSP for over a decade, and in that time, I have been trying to do everything to help develop not only education, but the country and the economy as well. We have done that through our work. Providing scholarships, helping develop teachers in more advanced fields, and trying to create a pool of scientists and high-quality educators who can keep pushing things. Q: SO HOW DO YOU GET THE PROPER SUPPORT? A: The struggle is making three groups meet: educators, the government, and businesses. Each has a part to play. It’s also important to note that education is not just about going to school. It is about ensuring that businesses have someone to employ and drive them in the future. For that reason, we try to bring businesses into the mix and get them to assist with education. We want to avoid putting the entire burden on the government, and in that way, we can help businesses do something to grow in the future and help students grow right along with them. Partnering with private capital is an essential part of the endeavor. Q: YOU’RE DOING A LOT, AND YOU HAVE DONE A LOT ALREADY, AND YOU STILL HAVE A HUGE MISSION THAT YOU’RE WORKING ON. I THINK IT WOULD BE VERY INTERESTING TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR STORY. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM TO BE ABLE TO HAVE SUCH AN INFLUENCE IN THAILAND? WHAT WERE YOU LIKE AS A CHILD? able to see the inherent value that can be found by going into education. Given the high-stakes, skill-based, professional and educational environment that students must now face, the time has never been better to grow as a learner. IPST is helping students do just that. For more information about IPST and their unique method of teaching high- achieving students, you can contact them online at A: I lived a very shy life. I wanted to be a teacher, but back in those days, everything was very stringent. There was one path to doing everything. You go here, then here, you get this degree and then that one. I ended up getting my degree at Cornell University, and in that time as a woman with a degree in science, I was still limited with the pathway I could take in Korea. I could be a teacher, but I couldn’t work, for example, in a factory. My father was quite inspiring to me. He suggested I go to get a Master’s degree to increase what I was able to do. I did that, and once I had finished, I began my work with IPST. Everything just snowballed from there. I would say that my story is only 50 percent knowledge, the other 50 percent is the places I’ve been able to apply it and who has helped me with that journey. Q: WHAT WOULD YOU SAY YOUR MISSION IS? A: I would say my current mission is to talk and collaborate with friends and colleagues in local countries to help make a higher standard for the achievement of students. We also need to focus on the creation of a career academy so that all countries in our region can have an improved workforce and students have somewhere to go after they have finished school. (End of Interview) For Dr. Pornpun, it is essential not only that teachers can be flexible in the classroom, but also that students are DR. PORNPUN WAITAYANGKOON Dr. Pornpun Waitayangkoon, President of The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) in the Asia+Pacific region, is leading the effort to develop and increase the quality of science, mathematics and technology education in Thailand. Since 1999, she has worked to apply GLOBE strategies in helping to fulfill the objectives of IPST, an agency working under the direction of the Ministry of Education, to enhance scientific inquiry and thinking through hands-on collaborative research between students, teachers, scientists and community members. + 5