Take some time to think about the terrain that you’ve created, and continue to create within your organism. Just like rats and bugs don’t cause the garbage dump…….pain, germs, and fatigue don’t cause your ill health. When you ignore the rules of wellness, or when you’ve become toxic and systemically inflamed for whatever reasons, your terrain becomes a hospitable place for pain, germs, and fatigue to live and thrive. Clean up your terrain and your body becomes a friendlier and healthier place for you and your wellness to live and thrive. Should you expect to feel 25 when you’re 50? No. But, should 50 feel like 70? Definitely not!
I’m not a fan of lists, but it occurs to me that someone reading this article may want some ideas about how to get started on this whole Rejuvenating The Terrain thing. So, I’m going to close with a few suggestions about simple changes you can consider to get started. Everybody’s journey will be different, so identify a couple of the suggestions here that make sense to you and try to turn them into new and healthier habits.
Bodywork – find a small team of practitioners who you like and trust, and become one of their regulars. You choose -- chiropractic, massage therapy, cranial balancing, acupuncture, reflexology, and many other modalities work very well together to keep your structure and energy balanced.
Rest – the recommended 7-9 hours at night is only the beginning. Try to meditate every day. Take naps when you’re sleep-deprived, sick, or stressed. Take an occasional “mental health” day as a break from your usual daily routine. Really vacation when you’re on vacation.
More water
Better quality over cheaper price – higher quality, organic, locally raised food is only more expensive if the initial price tag is your only gauge. When you factor in the long-term health costs of cheap, prepackaged edible food-like substances, the decision to improve this one factor becomes easier.
Choose glass over plastic, metal, cardboard, & styrofoam – food preparation, storage, and reheating is a really big deal. Start making the transition to glass cookware, storage, and reheating to be sure that you’re not polluting your perfectly good food with the chemicals found in ALL plastic, metal, cardboard, & styrofoam containers. And please-oh-please stop doing these 2 things in your kitchen: Using non-stick cookware & utensils, and reheating in “to-go” or take home containers.
About The Author
Dr. Julie Seymour, D.C. owns and runs The Human Joint -- a family wellness chiropractic practice in East Central Denver. Dr. Julie has been serving the needs of the Denver/Boulder communities for 25 years. She has certifications in Chiropractic Pediatrics and the Webster Prenatal Technique....... which means that she cares for a lot of pregnant and little tiny people! At her bright and family-friendly office you can expect attentive and gentle care for big & small patients with all kinds of needs.