Mike and Janice Lowther Fariborz and Azam Maseeh Mr . and Mrs . Jim McCluney Miller Environmental , Inc . Northrop Grumman Foundation Roth Family Foundation Henry and Elizabeth Segerstrom Donald and Constance Sperling Foundation Peggy and Robert Sprague John R . and Elizabeth Stahr Steinmetz Foundation Elbridge & Evelyn Stuart Foundation Tarsadia Foundation TROY Group , Inc . United Way of Greater Los Angeles Viejas Entertainment & Productions WHH Foundation Windsong Trust Robert E . and Linda F . Yellin
$ 25,000 and Above
Adams Legacy Foundation AFCEA The Allergan Foundation Herb and Carol Amster Philanthropic Fund AT & T Foundation Citigroup CME Group Foundation Crevier Classic Cars / Crevier Sales & Leasing James and Catherine Emmi The Eisner Foundation First American Corporation Otis and Joann Healy George Hoag Family Foundation The Hoag Foundation IBM Corp .* Mr . Michael Kaye Mike and Sheila Lefkowitz Leo M . Shortino Foundation Richard L . and Ginny Linting Long Beach Community Foundation David Mark and Sandy Stone McCormack & Farrow * David and Darrellyn Melilli James and Suzanne Mellor Tim J . Molnar , CFP ® The Hasbun Nazari Charitable Fund NEC Foundation of America Opus Community Foundation Quartics The Roripaugh Family Foundation SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union Segerstrom Companies Technology for Kids Foundation Time Warner Cable * Toshiba America Foundation Western Digital Corporation Yum ! Brands Foundation , Inc .
$ 10,000 and Above
The Beall Family Foundation FileNet Robert and Connie Ihrke Mr . Damien M . Jordan KPMG LLP Bill and Linda Kreidler Latham & Watkins , LLP * William and Pam Lawless Legacy Ladies , Inc . Ms . Deborah Lima The Lookout Foundation , Inc . Frank William Lynch Mara W . Breech Foundation Ms . Ann W . McDonald Ms . Liz Merage The Merage Foundation Morgridge Family Foundation Donald and Carol Murray Family Trust National Defense Industry Association New Century Financial Corporation Martha Newkirk Mr . Gregory D . Njoes Orange County Business Journal Orange County ’ s United Way The Pacific Endowment Stephen and Kathy Peterson Mr . Mike Ray Rockwell Collins Robert E . and Julie Romney Ronald McDonald House Charities Edward and Helen Shanbrom Family Fund Soka University of America Sooch Foundation Thomas E . and Gerda Sparks Glen and Dorothy Stillwell Charitable Trust The Sutton Family Charitable Fund Tiger Woods Foundation TOSA Foundation Rolf Uitzetter and Pam Horowitz United Health Foundation United Technologies Matching Gifts Program UCI Foundation Waltmar Foundation Dan S . and Sharon Whelan The William C . Bannerman Foundation Woodbridge Self-Storage Ms . Jane Fugishige Yada Zeiss Optics Corporation
* Indicates part or all of gift was in-kind Note : List reflects cumulative giving as of 12 / 31 / 2012 .