What can
expect at your
Find and Flip
Summit 2018?
Kent: The Find & Flip Summit is
all about showing investors how
to take the “next step” towards
Realty411: What are some markets that your team is
most interested in acquiring properties in?
Kent: Memphis, Phoenix, San DIego, Oklahoma City,
Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, Las Vegas, and Little Rock are just
a few of the markets that we are currently really focused on.
Realty411: Can you give our readers some advice on
how they can get their investment career to the next
financial freedom. We have an
amazing group of speakers and Kent: Pay close attention to who you are learning from. Do
trainers from around the country they have the scars? Do they have the experience and
coming – myself, Grant Cardone, wisdom you desire? Are they living the life that you desire or
Sean Terry, Pat Precourt, Justin are they just really good at marketing? Your mentors should
Colby, Elena Cardone, Chris have bulletproof systems, processes, online trainings, and
Clothier, Brett Tanner, and Frank leadgeneration systems. We have worked really hard over
McKinney are just a few of the big the years at REWW and Memphis Invest to truly demonstrate
names joining us this year. In fact, what it takes at every level of the game and to be leaders in
at last count, our lineup has the market for anyone to follow.
bought and sold over 8,000
properties, sold over $1 Billion in
2017 alone, and manages or
owns rental portfolios valued at
over $1.3 Billion. It will be the
bestofthebest and will create
massive impact to the 500+
attendees we are expecting.